In the Two Ronnies' final short, they spoof Disney's Pinocchio. In this, the "unofficial sequel", Geppetto the puppet master decides to create another wooden boy after his original creation has left home. However, he is unfortunate to pick an evil tree sprite as the source of his work, and it soon makes it's presence known. But it's when he goes down to the local tavern that things really get out of control, and Geppetto realizes he has to act to stop the evil puppet...
Starring with Ronnie Corbett and Ronnie Barker are a host of famous names (though not Elton John, even though I have the 1987 Xmas Special of this. Even in that his appearance has been edited, it seems). However, who does feature are Lynda Baron, Sandra Dickinson, Alfred Marks, Frank Finlay, Dennis Quilley, Charlton Heston, Maria Charles, Walter Sparrow, plus narration by Ed Bishop. It marked the end of the Two Ronnies series, with this short shown in the Xmas Special on Christmas Day 1987.