Russian Justice for Ukrainian Azov Nazis & Kyiv regime LIES
Azov soldiers were brave and strong against unarmed civilians. Now it's JUDGEMENT DAY for the Ukrainian Azov Nazis. The evil US media calls it an "Evacuation". Reality shows these inhuman people surrendered when confronted with a real army. Many of these Nazis took off their uniforms and ran away like jack rabbits. For eight years they committed atrocities on women and children in Donbass.
(The Banderites have always been brave against civilians, which was especially true for the Poles in Volhynia during World War II - as well for Russians, Gypsies, Jews and other nationalities)
One thing everyone needs to understand – Azov & other neonazi Ukr paramilitary groups are NOT nationalists or “far right” for fuck sake! They're national SOCIALISTS like their idol rothschild hitler!They have more in common with dirty pANT-IFA than with “far right” & nationalism.
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