Attorney Thomas Renz: Their Plans Failed - They Didn't Get Enough Jabbed (but won't give up...)
They won't give us unless “they are erased from this realm & sent to Hell to be with their father” - Theban
“with all the doc releases by Pfizer (the Worlds biggest terrorist org) because of FOI and judge didn't agree with these Pfizer criminals to seal their documents for 75 years, it proves they knew that these jabs were deadly.....I am pretty sure that nullifies their indemnity when they deliberately tried to genocide every one in the world with their poison “ - revo764
“But most companies owned by Blackrock/Vanguard (who also own all the pharma companies making the Jew Death Shot) are mandating their employees be vaxxed of lose their jobs , Seeing Blackrock/Vanguard stole every company in the world nearly (because they are also the owners own the Fed reserve and print money out of no where to buy everything) they are forcing all their employees which is hundreds of millions of them world wide to be Jew Jabbed” - revo764
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