Aluminum nano particle content of the covid vaccine can persist in brain for decades
Evil big pharma puts nano particles into their kill shots that enter your brain causing neuro, developmental disabilities, including Alzheimer.
Nano particles bind tightly to pathogens and doctors states they KNOW that they enter the brain, and that they have no tested it enough to know how it effects the body. However, study show that the nanoparticles DO enter the brain and that they can persist in the years for decades. They are seeing a large amount of aluminum nanoparticles in people with Alzheimer’s, and that the vaccines are known to cause inflammation. They also state that autoimmune diseases are rising exponentially, and they think it’s likely due to molecular mimicry, which ultimately turns the immune system on itself.
”If you have to be persuaded, reminded, physically assaulted, pressured, constantly marketed to, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, bribed, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, stolen from, mandated, punished, fined, emotionally or verbally manipulated, fired, or criminalized-to force your obedience, all the while threatened to take an unproven injection of mRNA therapy, then you know it's NOT good for you.” - THWL
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