It’s a 19-minute Danish short film directed by Rebecca Emcken. It’s the story of an institutionalised boy, Tobias, and the friend he makes, Emil, at the institution. The opening scene is quite good where Tobias is chatting with his psychiatrist with clips interspersed of him and Emil – the music is nice and there’s some pleasant birdsong.
The friendship between Tobias and Emil is convincing and well-acted. The two are seen hanging out, drawing together, listening to music and playing football. They talk about sex and masturbation too, which is a topic which Tobias seems rather unsure of. There are indications that Tobias and Emil might like each other as more than friends, but nothing explicit happens to definitively say so, although in one scene it is suggested that Tobias is potentially fantasising about Emil. At the very least Tobias seems to become a more sexual person because of Emil.
The two boys clearly have a level of trust and a good bond as they take drugs together and party, but their friendship turns sour as Emil becomes more jealous and controlling. There does appear to be a sort of co-dependency between the boys.