t is about a high school boy named Ben (Josh Caras) who is infatuated with a mysterious guy named Grant (Donald Cumming). Grant is one of the new kids in school, and he gets to accomplish what the other goths and freaks (Treleavean 23) were trying to do become an outcast. Ben is largely interested in Grant for his personality is very intriguing that he even stalks Grant in order to catch glimpses of him. For some reason, Ben finds Grants mysterious aura as something both terrifying and sexually arousing. Despite the warnings of his closest friend, Amber (Elnore Hendricks), Ben eventually decides to muster up some courage to finally talk to Grant and see whether he has a chance.
When Ben finally gets a chance to talk to Grant, he feels a mixture of butterflies in his stomach which are both of the good and the bad kind. It can be said that he has some sort of hesitation located somewhere deep in his brain, but since he is infatuated with Grant, he pushed his negative thoughts aside. Eventually, Grant invites Ben over to his place to hang with him and some of his friends, and Ben, thoroughly ecstatic over the fact that Grant wanted to hang out with him, immediately agrees. Grant tells Ben that they could hang out at his house along with his friends, and maybe they could have a good time together. When Ben is finally hanging out with Grant and his friends, he becomes excited over the fact that Grant seems to reciprocate his feelings towards him. However, Ben discovers that Grant has a chilling secret and unfortunately, he could not escape.