Eric & Oliver is a romantic short film following two queer college students, Eric, a family-oriented, hard-working, introvert, and Oliver, a confident, laid-back, empath as they fall in love while touching on issues of acceptance within the queer community.
SYNOPSIS: College sophomore, Eric Atkins, runs into his classmate, Oliver Foley, in the library and is immediately attracted to him. His friend Jade Harris convinces him to go talk to him, he hesitates but eventually goes over to him. They talk about a class project and work on it together. They hang out the rest of the day and every day after that and start to fall in love. They have a deep conversation about Eric’s home life with his parents, talking about his dad not accepting him for his sexuality and his mom being his only support system. Oliver supports Eric and tells him everything will be okay. Oliver then takes him to his favorite spot and campus where they share their first kiss.