Goulag is a precise and documented investigation by the opening of the archives during the 90s but also based on Russian literature or traveling historians like Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu. A voice-over, reminiscent in many ways of the style and vision of a Chris Marker (Hélène Châtelain is the actress of La Jetée), tries to organize the logic, reversed or paradoxical, which innervates the evolution of repression, rehabilitation... The film delves into the roots of the Gulag - the Solovki, the raskol - and goes beyond its official dissolution - the seizure of power by common law prisoners and then mafias with its laws... Iossif Pasternak and Hélène Châtelain give voice and figure to the anonymous victims of terror and deportation set up as a system. They chose to limit their investigation to the large camps in the north of the country: those on the Solovki Islands, in the middle of the White Sea, to the northwest; and, 5000 km away, those of Kolyma, in the polar north-east.
1.The Time of water
2.The Time of wood
3.The Time of earth
4.The Time of stone