The Morecambe & Wise Show is an English double-act comedy sketch show made by Thames Television for broadcast on the ITV network (1978-1983)
Stars: Eric Morecambe, Ernie Wise
The Morecambe & Wise Show.
1980 Christmas Show
Thu, Dec 25, 1980
Sketches include a number of Christmas carol jokes outside 10 Downing Street, which ends with Peter Cushing finally getting his money back, after 10 years, Eric gives Ernie a giant wallet, Bully on a Park Bench, Jill Gascoigne joins the guys for Christmas Dinner, the Dancing Police, Eric is Jake the Peg, the Ventriloquist who lost his Voice, Eric and Ernie go to see the Psychiatrist, Eric insults Peter Barkworth because he isn't a Sir, and Ernie's updated Hamlet.
Another outing sees further material reused; the opening spot on-stage is however largely new and sees Eric presenting Ernie with a life-sized monogrammed wallet which he is at times duly trapped inside; following this Mick McManus replaces Henry Cooper in a reworked sketch, Jill Gascoigne visits the duo for dinner (previously Ann Hamilton had appeared in this sketch), a new Rolf Harris sketch also features (although this was edited out of the recent Complete Thames series box set release by Network), Alec Guinness is the doctor who sees two as one, and Peter Barkworth provides the butt for jokes in the Ernie Wise's Hamlet skit at the end. The show closed with the signature tune Bring Me Sunshine.