The Morecambe & Wise Show is an English double-act comedy sketch show made by Thames Television for broadcast on the ITV network (1978-1983)
Stars: Eric Morecambe, Ernie Wise
The Morecambe & Wise Show.
S1.E4 ∙ Episode
Wed, Sep 24, 1980
Eric presents Ernie's 'This is Your Life'. Other sketches include 'Contagious Spots', Ernie is the Multilingual Hotel Reception Clerk, 'Sammy The Glove Puppet', the boys discuss Ozzie Stringer, the Washboard playing Vicar, who later makes a visit.
The opening sketch is a rehash of an earlier BBC This Is Your Life parody in which Wise is supposedly presented with the famous red book. This is followed by a hotel reception sketch where Morecambe attempt to check into Wise's hotel and a short skit where the duo play the card game snap. Morecambe then attempts a ventriloquist act with disastrous results. This episode features a flat-based sketch where a local vicar turns out to be a champion spoon and washboard champion. In line with other programmes in this series, Guyler plays the drums to the signature tune Bring Me Sunshine with Wise, whilst Morecambe "goes and waits for the bus" only to disturb the song.