The Morecambe & Wise Show is an English double-act comedy sketch show broadcast by BBC TV (1968-77)
Stars: Eric Morecambe, Ernie Wise
The Morecambe & Wise Show.
S00.E07 ∙ 1975 Christmas Show
Thu, Dec 25, 1975
The musical guests are Diane Solomon, Brenda Arnau, Des O'Connor and Diana Rigg. Eric and Ernie go to the psychiatrist. Des O'Connor has trouble singing. Diana Rigg stars as Nell Gwynne in Ernie's latest play called 'Nell Gwynne'.
After no Christmas Show in 1974 and no regular shows during 1975 when the duo had been presenting and appearing in the BBC show It's Childsplay,[14] the pair made a welcome return to their established format with another festive offering; the opening routine which features the much-maligned Des O'Connor is one of the most repeated pieces of material. The show concludes with the historical romp Nell Gwynne which features the first location shots used for an end-of-show play with Diana Rigg in the title role and Gordon Jackson parodying his own character from Upstairs, Downstairs. The show is interspersed with Robin Day who, over the course of the programme has his "friendly" discussion turned into a brawl. At the end of the programme, as Morecambe and Wise close with the song Positive Thinking, he is seen to stagger past with the aid of a walking stick. The show also features a parody of Big Spender with Eric and Ernie as dancers. This show utilised the opening credits from the following years' series and did not feature the word "Christmas" in the title.