Young men find themselves scattered and defencelessly exposed to a merciless sun. Their gaze moves off searchingly into the distance. Deserted places appear to offer vague promises of refuge. On a prison wall, an explosive image of desire emerges, full of hope for freedom. Constantine Giannaris relishes in mixing light and colour with the textures of Super 8 and video footage to express the thoughts of the poet Jean Genet. Greatly affected by the AIDS epidemic, he addresses the desire for love as well as the threat of isolation and death in a restless cinematographic delirium.
Official Selection Berlinale 2019
DirectorConstantine GiannarisProducerConstantine GiannarisEditorConstantine Giannaris
Cast Steve Maclean, Giannis Giannaris, Rafael Peña Cruz, Didier Lestrade, Mustapha Chellali