The Sentimental Agent is a British television crime drama series, which aired on ITV in 1963. Argentinian shipping agent Carlos Varela (Carlos Thompson) finds that the people using his services often need a lot more of his help than purely shipping goods.
Never Play Cards with Strangers (E4): Varela hears that passengers who booked a cruise from his agency have been fleeced of their savings playing bridge and decides to board the ship in Marseilles to give the cardsharps a taste of their own medicine. He takes the daughter whose parents were victims but the trouble is he cannot play bridge. Help is at hand from Chin.
It features Carlos Thompson, Burt Kwouk, Clemence Bettany, Bessie Love, and Hugh McDermott.
Note: The Sentimental Agent is a spin-off from British television series, Man of the World (1962-1963).