Junichi, a poor student gets off at Karuizawa Station, the popular tourist spot in order to mix in with the upper classes. He starts his part-time job at a high-end restaurant where rich guests gather. At one party he drops a silver plate and Genichiro blames him, only his middle aged beautiful wife, Keiko covers Junichi, but he is fired from job. The next day he meets Keiko and her 5-year-old son, Yuichi at a restaurant.
Miwa Takada, Takayuki Godai, Shinjiro Ebara, Akemi Negishi, Yoshio Tsuchiya, Yoko Azusa, Toshiyuki Kitami, Masanori Irie, Masato Ito, Yusuke Koike, Sadao Nagawa, Toshihiko Oda, Ushi Toyama, Yumi Yoshikawa, Yuki Yukie