Noir suspense merges with romantic tragedy in this compelling film featuring two of the most beautiful people in movie history - Montgomery Clift and Elizabeth Taylor. Clift plays George Eastman, a poor but personable young man who lands a job in his wealthy uncle's business. He begins dating Alice (Shelley Winters), who works on the factory floor, but then falls madly in love with Angela Vickers (Taylor), a beautiful socialite. His connections and luck encourage George to believe in his destiny, and that old encumbrances must be shrugged off. Clift perfectly shows how bewildered, earnest, and yet conceited and evasive his character is: Taylor's feline self-possession is troubled by George's extravagant, ingenuous passion. Director George Stevens composes each shot and scene with masterly flair, with a superb eye for incidental detail; the sheer artistry with which the film is put together is remarkable. Gripping from first to last.