Decodification of dates mentioned - In the Year 2525 Exordium and Terminus
I would like to herewith summarize the interpretation of the famous song's verses that a friend of mine presented to several astonished guys in a recent discussion. Few people noticed at the time and even fewer remember today that the complete title of the song ' In the Year 2525 - Exordium and Terminus', thus including two words that almost mean 'beginning and end'.
As per what I heard (from a very serious guy who narrated in this regard his earlier conversation with a great connoisseur of the sciences of the spiritual world, a man well versed in known and unknown prophecies, secret associations, and everything that occurs in the darkest places within the Freemasonic lodges and any other apostate organization and esoteric heresy), the dates mentioned in the said song (2525, 3535, 4545, 5555, 6565, 7510, 8510, 9595) represent only a codification system that conceals other, specific dates of our Western chronological system. Similarly, the narratives about what occurs on each date (example: In the year 2525, if man is still alive, if woman can survive, they may find) are also codified/ciphered and symbolic of essence; they refer to other events and to situations that will come to pass.
In fact, the entire process of the composition of the lyrics involves other individuals or beings; yet, there is a specific group of people – tied to one another by means of inhuman secrets and profane oaths – who understand quite well what the verses insinuate and what the correct dates are.
I was asked not to unveil most of what I heard except that the period described by the title's terms 'Exordium and Terminus' is not what is explicitly said, which is of course astonishingly long (i.e. the thousands of years between 2525 and 9595 that make a total of 7070 years), although the periodization happens to also be symbolic of nature.
Deciphered, these dates cover a period of only 14 entire annual years from the beginning of 2015 (codified as '2525') until the end of 2028 (concealed as '9595'). These dates (respectively deciphered as 2015, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2024, 2025, and 2028) are known as marking the appearance, activity and end of the Antichrist (or Masih Dajjal), of the associated False Prophet, of Satan, and of Babylon the Great which is described as Harlot within John's Revelation. As a matter of fact, Babylon the Great is none else than Freemasonry that marked an almost diachronic presence across History, being at the same time the only reason for all evils, evildoings and sufferings of all men at all times.