21 de set. de 2022 With no end in sight to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Kremlin is current-ly preparing to stage fake referendums in occupied regions of the country as a prelude to annex-ation. While there is little danger of the international community officially recognizing the results of such obviously rigged and illegitimate ballots, Russia’s referendum plans nevertheless have the potential to significantly escalate the war and must be prevented from proceeding.
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#PUTIN #war #EuropeanUnion #VonderLeyen #putinswar #Russia #putinspeech #NATO At present, Russia appears intent on following the Crimean scenario de-ployed eight years ago. In February 2014, Russian troops seized control of the Ukrainian peninsu-la before hurriedly staging a fig leaf referendum in an attempt to justify the region’s fully fledged annexation and incorporation into the Russian Federation.