“Amor Estranho Amor” is a 1982 Brazilian drama film, directed by Walter Hugo Khouri and starring Vera Fischer, Tarcísio Meira, Xuxa and Marcelo Ribeiro.
At the age of 12, Hugo (Marcelo Ribeiro) is sent by his grandmother, from the countryside of Santa Catarina, to live in São Paulo, with his mother, Anna (Vera Fischer), who left her hometown at a very young age to try life in the city. She grew up and ended up becoming a prostitute in Laura's (Íris Bruzzi) brothel, starting to earn some money by becoming the lover of the powerful doctor Osmar (Tarcísio Meira). With no one to leave her son with, she allows Hugo to frequent the backstage of the brothel, where he begins to discover adolescence and his own sexuality, falling in love with Tamara (Xuxa), an ambitious 16-year-old prostitute, who seduces him to confront Anna, his rival in the clientele.