Federico Gonzalez (Me) & my GrandMother in Nicaragua, 2022.
My GrandMother's SINLGE name
(maiden name),
was Rosa Argentina Alvarado-Sandino,
She married Nicolas Sandino, so her full
family name was updated to Rosa Argentina Sandino-Alvarado.
My mother then was born and named Asuncion Sandino Alvarado.
My father's name is Martin Gonzalez.
When I was born I was named only with my mother's family-name,
because her family (Sandino-Alvarado)
was (is) under threat by the United States.
My full named was read then as C. Federico Sandino Alvarado.
(And my sister's name's C. Rosa Sandino Alvarado).
But when my uncle,
(mother's brother, N. Sandino),
turned to be alive,
I then went to my father
to have my birth certificate updated
with my father's family-name (Gonzalez)
on it, so now my full name is
read as C. Federico Gonzalez Sandino
(Since 2018).
So It is obvious that in 2018,
the United States tried to interrupt the
process with (and also tried to blame me for)
the Nicaragua's attempt of coup in 2018.
(Golpe blando 2018 against Nicaragua).