Seventeen-year-old Murat, from Turkey but living in Berlin, Germany with his mother and older brother Osman, seems to be struggling with his sexuality while Osman, head of the household since the father's death and a taxi driver, strongly urges Murat to lose his virginity to a woman. However, suspecting that Murat is gay and believing that his Turkish background makes him lesser of a person, some boys from Murat's school harass and beat him.
Meanwhile, Lola, a Turkish male who dresses as a female, argues with his boyfriend, a “macho” Turkish male named Bilidikid (Billy), about returning to Turkey. Billy wants Lola to get a sex reassignment (from male to female) and move with him, but Lola refuses, knowing that if he had the surgery, Billy would leave him.
After discovering that Lola is his brother who was disowned by Osman and their father for being gay, Murat runs away from home and meets Lola in the bar in which he works. The two begin to develop a relationship, but Lola mysteriously disappears, leaving Murat at the mercy of Billy, who uses Murat in his business of earning money for receiving oral intercourse.
Soon thereafter, Lola is discovered dead in a river. Billy convinces Murat that he knows who killed Lola, but thinks that they need to take the matter into their own hands rather than letting the police deal with the matter. Two friends of Lola, who also work at the bar, reveal to Murat that when Osman discovered that Lola was gay, Osman raped her. When Lola stood up to him, Osman threw her out of the house. The friends warn Murat that Billy is the same type of person that Osman is.
Murat dresses as Lola, using Lola's red wig to feign his identity. Murat, with Billy lingering in the background, confronts the boys that Billy says are guilty of murdering Lola. After chasing these three boys, Billy castrates one boy and stabs a second one, just as the second boy shoots him, killing them both. Murat is left with the third boy, who says they had no knowledge of Lola's murder.
Upon his return home, Murat discovers that Osman was, in fact, the one who murdered Lola. Hearing Murat's accusation and Osman's admittance of guilt, the boys’ mother slaps Osman and, accompanied by Murat, leaves their home, discarding her hijab.