25 мая в Москве на МСА "Лужники" прошло главное событие года в мире единоборств - Бойцовское шоу "Легенда", в котором приняли участие действующие и будущие Легенды К-1 и ММА.
В главном поединке вечера россиянин Александр Емельяненко в первом раунде нокаутировал 154-килограммового американца Боба Саппа по прозвищу "Зверь". Официальное видео в HD-качестве.
On May 25, the LEGEND Fighting Show - the major event of the year in the world of combat sports, will be held at the Small Sports Arena "Luzhniki".
LEGEND is a new format fighting show featuring recognized and future K-1 and MMA legends. The fighting contest will be presented as an integrated entertainment show with advanced visual technologies, and top level fighters as lead characters.
The big hit of the night will be the comeback of MMA fighter Alexander Emelianenko, who intends to delight the fans with his dazzling performance.
Alexander's opponent will be Bob "The Beast" Sapp, a U.S. fighter whose career included American football, mixed martial arts, kickboxing, and who at the outset of his career earned fame through his kickboxing duels with the repeat winner of the K-1 World Grand Prix Championships Ernesto "Mr Perfect" Hoost and his MMA bout with Antônio Rodrigo Nogueira, defending PRIDE heavyweight champion.
long with the strong fight card, the audience will watch an unprecedented show: each fighter's majestic appearance at 6 m above stage (a specially designed lift will take them down); impressive video installations, 3D mapping and replays of highlights on the largest projection screen in the history of fighting shows. Apart from music, Dolby Surround will make all the sounds on the ring (fighters' blows, referee instructions) heard as if the audience is fully enwrapped in sounds.
Music: "U.S.A.", "The New World Orchestra-2001 A Space Odyssey".