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Russian state TV channel failed while interviewing about situation on Ukraine. Browse down for description on english.
Единая политика дискурса дневных новостей оказалась под угрозой провала и редактору ничего не оставалась, кроме как прервать интервью. Каким-то чудом правозащитник и депутат законодательного собрания Крыма Леонид Пилунский попал в эфир телеканала и даже смог в течении минуты высказывать альтернативную точку зрения на события в Украине. Напомню, что ранее некоторые депутаты того же парламента Крыма от украинской "партии власти" Партии Регионов предложили провести процедуру сецессии, которая не предусмотрена законодательством Крыма и Украины, с целью присоединения к России.
Ничего не напоминает?
A fairly unexpected, yet very straight-forward statement, as for Russian television, was made by Leonid Pilunsky, a member of Crimean Parliament today.
In a live feed of Russian news on a state run station, an anchor asked MP Leonid Pilunsky from Crimea about the situation there. Here is his response: In Crimea everything is peaceful; except that we feel that the Crimean's government consisting of members of the Party of Regions that have been in power for the last 12 years have stolen from people so much that they are afraid of any changes in government. They are the only ones that worsen situation in Crimnea, and organize "titushki" and "gopniki" for some meetings. Yesterday, they attempted to change the Constitution even though Crimnea's government has no power to do so since they do not represent all citizens of Crimnea. The situation is calm for the most part; people do not participate in their organized meetings. Any support for Maidan is peaceful and absolutely harmless...Maximum 200 people will come together in support of Maidan in Crimea, and they quietly and peacefully..... [the phone line got disconnected and the TV anchor blamed bad telephone connection].
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