"The Shaheed does not feel [any pain] from killing, except as one of you feels the prick of a needle" [Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi and an-Nasaa`I and the Sanad is Hasan]
1 - The blood of the Shaheed smells of musk:
"By the One in Whose Hand is my soul, no one is injured in the Path of Allah - and Allah knows best who is truly wounded in His Path - except that he comes (with his wound) on the Day of Resurrection, its colour the colour of blood, and its scent that of musk." [Muslim and Ahmad]
2 - The Most Beloved of the drops to Allah:
"There is nothing more beloved to Allah than two drops or two marks. The teardrop that falls from the fear of Allah, and the drop of blood shed in the Path of Allah. And as for the marks, then a mark in the Path of Allah, and a mark in an obligation from the obligations unto Allah". (Hasan, reported by at-Tirmidhi)
3 - The Shaheed Wishes to Return to this World:
"Any slave [of Allah] who dies and has been bestowed good from Allah, does not wish to return to the World, even if he is given the World and what it contains; except a Shaheed, due to what he sees from the virtues of Shahaadah [Martyrdom]. So he wishes to return to the World in order to be killed again" - and in another wording - "So that he may be killed ten times due to what he receives from the honour" [al-Bukhari and Muslim]
4 - Haarithah in the Highest Firdaws:
The Prophet - May the Salaah and Salaam of Allah be upon him - said to Umm Haarithah bint an-Nu'maan - after her son was killed in the battle of Badr - after she asked: "Where is he (i.e. is he in Paradise or the Fire)?" - he replied, "Indeed, he is in the highest Firdaws" [al-Bukhaari]
In another Hadeeth reported by al-Bukhaari: "Indeed, in Paradise are a hundred levels which Allah has prepared for the Mujahideen in His Path. The distance between each level is that of between the heavens and the earth. So when you ask of Allah, then ask Him for Firdaws, for it is the center of Paradise, and the highest part of Paradise, and above it is the throne of The Most Merciful, from whence, the highest Firdaws, the rivers of Paradise spring forth"
5 - The Souls of the Shuhadaa` in the Hearts of Green Birds:
"Indeed the souls of the martyrs are in the hearts of green birds, and they have lanterns hanging underneath the 'arsh (the throne of Allaah). They roam around in Paradise wherever they wish, then they return to their lanterns. So, their Lord enquires: "Do you desire anything?" They say, "What can we desire for, when we roam around in Paradise wherever we wish?" And He asks them this three times. When they realize that they will not cease to be questioned, they say, "O Lord! We wish that you return our souls to our bodies, in order that we be killed in Your Path again" When it is realized that they have no need, they will be left alone." [Muslim]
6 - Special Favours for the Shaheed:
"The Shaheed is granted seven special favours from Allah. He is forgiven (his sins) at the first drop of his blood. He sees his place in Paradise. He is dressed in the clothes of Iman. He is married to the Hoor al-`Ain (beautiful women of Paradise). He is saved from the punishment of the grave. He will be protected from the great fear of the Day of Judgement. A crown of honour will be placed on his head, one jewel of which is better than the whole world and what it contains. He is married to seventy-two of the Hoor al-`Ain (beautiful women of Paradise), and he will be able to intercede for seventy members of his family."[Saheeh - Related by Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi and Ibn Hibbaan]
7 - ash-Shahaadah is better than cities and villages:
"To be killed in the Path of Allah is more beloved to me than that people of cities and villages belong to me" [Ahmad - narrators are trustworthy, and the chain is strong]
8 - The Shaheed does not feel the pain of death:
"The Shaheed does not feel [any pain] from killing, except as one of you feels the prick of a needle" [Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi and an-Nasaa`I and t...