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Well Everyone! It's Finally Here! After many Requests, I'm pleased to bring you the final music video for Five Nights at Pinkie's 3. But this does not mean that this is the end of the FNAP Style videos, I plan to do more of them from time to time. But For Now, Enjoy The Final Music Video for "Five Night's At Pinkies 3".
Five Nights at Freddy's 3 Song (Feat. EileMonty and Orko) - Die In A Fire (FNAF3) - The Living Tombstone
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I really hate you
Stop getting in my way
I lost my patience
When are you gonna decay
I want to throw you out
Just like my broken TV
If you'll come back once more
It will be painful you'll see
I hope you die in a fire
Hope you'll be stabbed in the heart, hope you'll get shot and expire
Hope you'll be taken apart
Hope this is what you desire
Verse 2:
It's almost over
Why can't you just let it fly
Don't be afraid
It's not the first time you'll die
Your machical parts click
Sounds like when I broke your bones
Once I get my second chance,
I won't leave you alone
Chorus x2:
I hope you die in a fire
Hope you'll be stabbed in the heart, hope you'll get shot and expire
Hope you'll be taken apart
Hope this is what you desire