Наши друзья из креативного продакшна SKBD.SH сняли ролик в поддержку телеканала Дождь. Действие происходит в обычном троллейбусе в Москве.
Слова обладают удивительной силой
Когда они свободны
Words are powerful
when they have freedom
Freedom of speech is not one of Russia's strongest traits these days. As such, we created this short film to raise awareness about the fact that one of the biggest Russian independent TV channels is being shut down by the government. It is a reminder of the importance of words, and of the beauty of words when they are set free.
The action of the film takes place in a simple Moscow trolleybus. We wanted to show how people were capable of changing dramatically during the three minutes of the film, as they listened to poetry of famous Russian poets.
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