Exposing the truth about our corrupt world. My name is Spencer Cathcart and this is a short film I made & wrote. If you'd like to see more videos I'd appreciate if you subscribed.
SUBTITLES: Access subtitles by clicking "Settings" in the lower right of the video (the little wheel icon).
My email if you want to contact me is
If Facebook blocks the short-link then try posting the full link as it always works:
www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipe6CMvW0Dg. It's also available on my Facebook page
www.facebook.com/freshtastical. I have shared a transcript of my film here:
Songs used:
1) Iron Dragon - Alliance
2) Dynasty - Initiative - CMX
3) Above All - Petteri Sainio
4) Fringe Authority - Fan Boys - CMX
5) Immediate Music - Overcome Anything
6) Confidential Music - Paradise Lost
7) Heart of the Rebellion - Fan Boys - CMX
I have used some footage from the films Baraka & Blue Planet.
If you would to create subtitles for another language please email me the translation to
freshtastical@gmail.com rather than upload another video. Subtitles available so far: Russian, Chinese (Taiwan, Hong Kong), Spanish, Indonesian, Arabic, Dutch, Vietnamese, French, German, Portuguese, Italian,Turkish, Polish, Greek, Albanian, Bulgarian, Swedish, Croatian, Hebrew, Lithuanian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Romanian, Serbian, Bosnian, Slovak, Slovenian & more.
Лъжата, в която живеем!
Mensaje a la Humanidad: La Mentira Que Vivimos
Minciuna în care trăim Minciuna în care trăim
Nederlandse ondertiteling
השקר בו אנו חיים
Es ist Zeit etwas zu ändern! Es ist Zeit etwas zu ändern!
Laži koje živimo Laž koju živimo Laži koje živimo
Le mensonge que nous vivons. Le mensonge dans lequel nous la vidéo qu'il faut absolument regarder vivons
Die Lüge die wir leben Die Lüge in der wir leben
We zijn allemaal slaven We zijn allemaal slaven van het systeem
Lež, ve které lidstvo žije. Hazugságban Élt Életünk
La mentira que vivimos! Una realidad ficticia
LEŽ ve které žijeme!
Du bist der Meister deiner Werke! - Bewusstsein & Bewusst Sein!
Speech Questions If We're All Really Slaves
Jeder einmal anschauen und teilen sehr wichtig!
Video, které vám změní pohled na svět
Sống Đời Vô Minh
Mensaje a la Humanidad: La Mentira Que Vivimos español
Every person on Facebook needs to watch this....
This speech perfectly illustrates the lie we live as a society. It's time to wake up.
This video exposes the corrupt world we're living in.
The One Video That Can Change The World Anonymous
This Amazing Video Will Make You Rethink About Your Life And This Corrupt World
This 8 min video can change the way you perceive At this moment you could be anywhere, doing anything.
Лъжата, в която живеем!
Yaşadığımız Yalan Yaşadığımız Yalan Yaşadığımız Yalan
Lögnen vi lever
Vivre libre ou mourir? Tracez votre propre chemin
Vale mida me elame
cette video de 8 minutes risque de changer votre vie
Mira El Vídeo Que Puede Revolucionar El Mundo
Una realidad ficticia
已被译为28国语言!《我们身处的谎言世界》 我們身處的謊言世界
El vídeo que puede revolucionar el mundo!
Le mensonge dans lequel nous vivons
A hazugság, amiben élünk
Melas, kurį gyvename
Klamstvo, v ktorom žijeme
Το ψεμα που ζουμε Το ψέμα στο οποίο ζούμε