Not fake treasures
ask not earthly blessings from the Heavenly Father, as sinners ask,
but one thing: to make straight the paths that lead into His kingdom,
so that you can see the Almighty during your earthly life.
For if you do not see God during your life, you will not see him after.
Try not to see God, but Divinity!
Divinity in which He manifests Himself in all that exists,
Divinity, which is filled with the entire universe.
Man does not need a man-made temple,
to talk to God,
for the house of the Most High is all earth and sky and stars, and all men.
Praying for a soul is meaningless.
No one can save your soul if you don't take care of yourself.
And no one will bring or give the Kingdom of God to you,
unless you can find it yourself.
The sky I'm talking about, inside everyone and outside everyone,
and the Kingdom of God is in this heaven and no other.
And you don't need to go far behind him, and they won't say:
behold, it is here, or: behold, there.
For the Kingdom of God is within everyone.
Woe to the one who makes boundaries on earth and divides people.
For there are no boundaries in heaven, and there should not be on earth.
Truly I say to you: this division is for enmity
and the cause of strife, whether it is division along borders,
either by language, or by faith - everything is one!
And if a person is divided within himself, then the same enmity
inside him there will be darkness in him, and there is no rest for him.
All living things and what seems to be unhealthy is invisible
is connected with each other, and everything separately shows
are part of one!
Don't be afraid to get lost as you find your way
only the strongest are capable of this.
And those who left the flock, the Shepherd loves more than others,
for only they can find the coveted path.
It is no fault of the cattle that they are in the corral,
for that owner had built a pen for him.
Man, in his own shame, did that
what no living creature is capable of.
Built a prison with my own hands and myself
placed in it.
And woe that his children are born in this prison.
They will grow up and know no other life,
except the life of their fathers, and after that they cannot see it
for their eyes have become blind from the darkness of imprisonment.
And they do not see anyone who would live differently,
and therefore they believe that their life is the only one
possible way of being.
For if the eyes have never seen the light,
how do you know that you are in the dark.
And people try their best to decorate their
prison: who is a beautiful slave.
But there is no benefit from this: you have to get out of prison.