In today's video I, Adrian Gee wanted to conduct a social experiment where I drop my iPhone in public (it was a dummy phone that was being dropped). As it was a dummy phone I wanted to add some value to the item so I used a Cardbuddy with my inactive Wells Fargo VISA card and also slipped $10 cash in there. I got a lot of shots as I was filming this social experiment all day but some of these reactions were unexpected. I had no idea that some people would sink to as low as some of the people in the video, especially the last man.
→ Massive thank you to Cardbuddy for sponsoring this video! If you'd like to get your genuine Cardbuddy for your phone it's now available on kickstarter here & there's FREE shipping worldwide: ←
If you enjoyed this social experiment make sure you leave an up vote and share this video with as many friends as possible because it definitely has a message. Just remember to think twice before attempting to do the wrong thing because you never know, you could be on camera making a complete fool of yourself.
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Snapchat - adriangruszka
My name is Adrian and I go by as Adrian Gee here on YouTube. I'm an aspiring actor / model who loves travelling the world and creating content for you guys here on YouTube.
On this channel you will find: Pranks, Social Experiments, Public Trolling, Comment Trolling, Street Interviews, Picking Up Girls, Funny Videos, Epic Crazy Videos.