Дореволюционная Россия в фотографиях
1900-х годов
Pre-revolutionary Russia in photographs
Russian folk song "The Volga River is deep" played on the Gusli by Konstantin Shahanov
Gorohovets is a town on the River Kyyazma, a tributary of the River Oka that flows into the mighty Volga....
The city was first mentioned in the Laurentian Chronicles in 1239 when it was razed by the Tatar-Monguls. At the end of the 14th century, Prince Vasily I made Gorohovets part of the Moscow porincipality and made it a defensive position . As a result a raid in 1539 by Kazan Tatars was repelled.
By the middle of the XVII century trade flourished and local merchants who owned distilleries and leather goods erected themselves stone dwellings.....In 1892, the city began to construct ships.....