Imagine a volcano so powerful that it could darken skies across the globe and alter the course of human history. Now realize that this volcano isn’t a towering mountain in a remote jungle—it's lurking beneath the picturesque landscapes of southern Italy. In the shadow of the famous Mount Vesuvius lies Campi Flegrei, a massive supervolcano right under the city of Naples. This hidden giant has the potential to wreak havoc on a scale far beyond Pompeii’s ancient disaster, and scientists say it might be stirring from its long slumber.
00:00 intro
00:00 Campi Flegrei, a massive supervolcano
4:00 Yellowstone and Toba
4:50 Why are supervolcanoes so powerful?
8:40 Is campi flegrei Stirring? What might be coming?
10:07 The Risks
#downtherabbithole #campiflegrei #phlegraeanfields