60 Weird Laws Across the World..
These are some crazy, yet unique and fun laws that still exist today from different countries (across the world). A similar title could be "60 crazy laws from different countries"
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This video took a lot of research and work, subscribe so we can beat the population of Tuvalu in subscribers

In this video I'll show you random and overall weird laws that you you need to know. Some of them are in India, USA, Canada, Australia, Finland, Italy and other European/Asian countries across the world! Here are some insane laws from different countries, a great way to impress your friends or a great way to learn new stuff, especially when visiting one of these countries! In this video we talk about several funny laws that still exist today such as "Smiling all of the time in Milano", "Walking your dogs at least 3 times per day in Torino" or "Climbing a tree in Canada especially in Ottawa could lead to a fine"...
Did you know you need a License for flying kites in India? Crazy right?! Watch the video for more other facts/laws in various countries.
Welcome to CristiGeography! Here we upload a range of easy to watch & sometimes educational geography related content, starting from geography facts all the way to flags, countries and things you didn't know. Andd speedruns of course, to show my geography skills.
On yea, and geoguessr content coming soon