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Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 1: "Ehi via, buffone, non mi seccar" (Don Giovanni, Leporello)
George London
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 14: "Dunque, quello sei tu" (Zerlina, Donna Elvira, Don Ottavio)
Nadine Conner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 29: "Or che tutti, o mio tesoro" (Don Ottavio, Donna Anna, Zerlina, Donna Elvira, Masetto, Leporello)
Eugene Conley
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
La bohème, Act III, Scene 3: "Mimì?" (Marcello, Mimi)
Alberto Erede
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Robert Merrill
Puccini: La bohème
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 15: "Ah pietà, signori miei" (Leporello)
Fernando Corena
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 23: "Troppo mi spiace" (Donna Anna)
Margaret Harshaw
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 11: "Sola sola, in buio loco" (Elvira, Leporello)
Eleanor Steber
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 35: "Ecco il birbo che t'ha offesa" (Don Giovanni, Leporello, Don Ottavio, Donna Anna, Donna Elvira)
George London
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 19: "Mi tradi quell alma ingrata" (Donna Elvira)
Eleanor Steber
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 33: "Protegga il giusto cielo" (Donna Anna, Don Ottavio, Donna Elvira)
Margaret Harshaw
Eugene Conley
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 19: "Povera sventurata!" (Giovanni)
George London
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 32: "Bisogna aver coraggio" (Donna Elvira, Don Ottavio, Donna Anna, Leporello)
Eleanor Steber
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 6: "V'è gente alla finestra" (Don Giovanni, Masetto)
George London
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 29: "Guarda un po' corne seppe" (Masetto, Don Giovanni , Zerlina)
Lorenzo Alvary
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 10: "Di molte faci il lume" (Leporello, Donna Elvira)
Fernando Corena
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 18: "In quali eccessi, o Nuni" (Donna Elvira)
Eleanor Steber
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Lohengrin, Act I: "Seht hin! Sie naht, die hart Beklagte" (Telramund, Heerrufer)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Fritz Busch
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act II: "Euch Lüften, die mein Klagen" (Elsa, Ortrud, Telramund)
Helen Traubel
Fritz Busch
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
La bohème, Act II, Scene 4: "Ch'io beva del tossico!" (Marcello, Rodolfo)
Alberto Erede
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Robert Merrill
Puccini: La bohème
Lohengrin, Act II: "Was macht dich in so wilder Klage doch vergeh'n" (Ortrud, Telramund)
Margaret Harshaw
Fritz Busch
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Salome: "Ah! Herrlich! Wundervoll!" (Herodes, Salome)
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Set Svanholm
Strauss: Salome
Lohengrin, Act II: "So zieht das Unheil in dies Haus" (Telramund)
Fritz Busch
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Osie Hawkins
Wagner: Lohengrin
La bohème, Act I, Scene 1: "Questo mar rosso mi ammolisce e assidera" (Marcello, Rodolfo)
Alberto Erede
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Robert Merrill
Puccini: La bohème
Lohengrin, Act II: "Du fürchterliches Weib, steh ab von ihr!" (Lohengrin)
Fritz Busch
Lauritz Melchior
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act I: "Gott grüß' euch, liebe Männer von Brabant!" (König Heinrich)
Dezsö Ernster
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Fritz Busch
Wagner: Lohengrin
La bohème, Act II, Scene 1: "Aranci, datteri! Caldi i marroni!" (Chorus)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Alberto Erede
Puccini: La bohème
Macbeth, Act II, Scene 1: "Perché mi sfuggi, e fiso" (Lady, Macbeth)
Léonie Rysanek
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Leonard Warren
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Lohengrin, Act I: "Zum Kampf für eine Magd zu steh'n" (Lohengrin, Elsa)
Fritz Busch
Lauritz Melchior
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Don Giovanni, Act II, Scene 9: "Vedrai, carino" (Zerlina)
Laurel Hurley
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
La bohème, Act I, Scene 10: "O soave fanciulla" (Rodolfo, Mimì)
Alberto Erede
Eugene Conley
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Puccini: La bohème
Lohengrin, Act II: "Erhebe dich, Genossin meiner Schmach!" (Telramund, Ortrud)
Fritz Busch
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Osie Hawkins
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act II: "Du Ärmste kannst wohl nie ermessen" (Elsa, Ortrud)
Helen Traubel
Fritz Busch
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
La bohème, Act I, Scene 8: "Sì. Mi chiamano Mimì" (Mimì)
Alberto Erede
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Hilde Güden
Puccini: La bohème
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 25: "Già la mensa è preparata" (Don Giovanni, Leporello)
George London
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 14: "Alfin siamo liberati" (Don Giovanni, Zerlina)
George London
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 2: "Notte e giorno faticar" (Leporello)
Fernando Corena
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 17: "Ah fugi il traditor" (Donna Elvira)
Eleanor Steber
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 6: "Fuggi, crudele, fuggi!" (Donna Anna, Don Ottavio)
Margaret Harshaw
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Siegfried, Act II, Scene 10: "Wer bist du, kühner Knabe," (Fafner, Siegfried)
Kurt Böhme
Fritz Stiedry
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 21: "Don Ottavio, son morta!" (Donna Anna, Don Ottavio)
Margaret Harshaw
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Siegfried, Act II, Scene 7: "Dass der mein Vater nicht ist," (Siegfried)
Fritz Stiedry
Wolfgang Windgassen
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 34: "Riposate, verzzose ragazze" (Don Giovanni, Leporello)
George London
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Siegfried, Act II, Scene 14: "Willkommen, Siegfried!" (Mime, Siegfried)
Fritz Stiedry
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Norman Kelley
Wagner: Siegfried
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 23: "Come mai creder deggio" (Don Ottavio, Don Giovanni)
Eugene Conley
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 6: "Ei, Mime, bist du so witzig" (Siegfried, Mime)
Fritz Stiedry
Wolfgang Windgassen
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 15: "Là ci darem la mano" (Don Giovanni, Zerlina)
George London
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 4: "Das ist nun der Liebe schlimmer Lohn!" (Mime)
Fritz Stiedry
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Norman Kelley
Wagner: Siegfried
Don Giovanni, Act II, Scene 8: "Lascia ch'io senta:" (Giovanni, Masetto, Zerlina)
Laurel Hurley
George London
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Theodor Uppman
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act V, Scene 3: "Qu'avez-vous fait? Vous allez la tuer." (Arkel, Golaud, Mélisande)
Victoria de Los Angeles
George London
Giorgio Tozzi
Jean Morel
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Debussy : Pelléas et Mélisande
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 3: "Non sperar, se non m'uccidi" (Donna Anna, Don Giovanni, Leporello)
Margaret Harshaw
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Macbeth, Act IV, Scene 11: "Ella è morta!" (Coro, Macbeth, Malcolm, Macduff)
Leonard Warren
William Olvis
Carlo Bergonzi
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 16: "Férmati scellerato" (Donna Elvira, Zerlina, Don Giovanni)
Eleanor Steber
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Macbeth, Act I, Scene 17: "O qual orrenda notte!" (Banco, Macduff, Lady)
Carlo Bergonzi
Jerome Hines
Léonie Rysanek
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 31: "Tra quest'arbori celata" (Zerlina, Masetto, Don Giovanni)
Nadine Conner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act III, Scene 2: "Que faites-vous ici?" (Golaud, Pelléas, Mélisande)
George London
Victoria de Los Angeles
Jean Morel
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Theodor Uppman
Debussy : Pelléas et Mélisande
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 13: "Ho capito, signor sì" (Masetto)
Lorenzo Alvary
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Siegfried, Act II, Scene 5: "Nun, Alberich, das schlug fehl!" (Alberich, Wanderer)
Fritz Stiedry
Gerhard Pechner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 18: "Mi par ch'oggi il demonio" (Don Giovanni, Don Ottavio, Donna Anna)
George London
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Siegfried, Act II, Scene 13: "Was ihr mir nützt weiss ich nicht:" (Siegfried, Waldvogel)
Fritz Stiedry
Wolfgang Windgassen
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 5: "Ah! Del padre in periglio" (Donna Anna, Don Ottavio)
Margaret Harshaw
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 9: "Stelle! Che vedo!" (Don Giovanni, Leporello, Donna Elvira)
George London
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 22: "Den der Bruder schuf, den schimmernden Reif" (Mime, Siegfried)
Fritz Stiedry
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Norman Kelley
Wagner: Siegfried
Macbeth, Act I, Scene 16: "Di destarlo per tempo il re m'impose:" (Macduff, Banco, Lady)
Carlo Bergonzi
Jerome Hines
Léonie Rysanek
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act III, Scene 1: "Mes longs cheveux" (Mélisande)
Victoria de Los Angeles
Jean Morel
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Debussy : Pelléas et Mélisande
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 18: "Fühltest du nie im finstern Wald," (Mime, Siegfried)
Fritz Stiedry
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Norman Kelley
Wagner: Siegfried
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act II, Scene 2: "Ah! Ah! Tout va bien, cela ne sera rien." (Golaud, Mélisande)
George London
Victoria de Los Angeles
Jean Morel
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Debussy : Pelléas et Mélisande
Siegfried, Act II, Scene 6: "Wir sind zur Stelle;" (Mime, Siegfried)
Fritz Stiedry
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Norman Kelley
Wagner: Siegfried
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act II, Scene 1: "Vous ne savez pas où je vous ai menée?" (Pelléas, Mélisande)
Victoria de Los Angeles
Jean Morel
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Theodor Uppman
Debussy : Pelléas et Mélisande
Siegfried, Act II, Scene 2: "In Wald und Nacht vor Neidhöhl' ich wacht" (Alberich, Wanderer)
Fritz Stiedry
Gerhard Pechner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act I, Scene 3: "Il fait sombre dans les jardins." (Mélisande, Geneviève, Pelléas, Chœur)
Victoria de Los Angeles
Regina Resnik
Theodor Uppman
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Jean Morel
Debussy : Pelléas et Mélisande
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 20: "Nothung! Nothung! Neidliches Schwert" (Siegfried, Mime)
Fritz Stiedry
Wolfgang Windgassen
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act IV, Scene 4: "C'est le dernier soir…" (Pelléas, Mélisande)
Victoria de Los Angeles
Jean Morel
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Theodor Uppman
Debussy : Pelléas et Mélisande
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act I, Scene 2: "Voici ce qu'il écrit à son frère Pelléas:" (Geneviève, Arkel)
Regina Resnik
Giorgio Tozzi
Jean Morel
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Debussy : Pelléas et Mélisande
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 22: "Come mai creder deggio" (Ottavio)
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Cesare Valletti
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act IV, Scene 3: "Pelléas part ce soir." (Golaud, Arkel, Mélisande)
Victoria de Los Angeles
George London
Giorgio Tozzi
Jean Morel
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Debussy : Pelléas et Mélisande
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 8: "Ah chi mi dice mai" (Donna Elvira, Don Giovanni , Leporello)
Eleanor Steber
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 7: "Einst lag wimmernd ein Weib" (Mime, Siegfried)
Fritz Stiedry
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Norman Kelley
Wagner: Siegfried
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 14: "Là ci darem la mano," (Giovanni, Zerlina)
Laurel Hurley
George London
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act I, Scene 1: "Je ne pourrai plus sortir de cette forêt." (Golaud, Mélisande)
George London
Victoria de Los Angeles
Jean Morel
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Debussy : Pelléas et Mélisande
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 7: "Orsù, spicciati presto" (Don Giovanni, Leporello)
George London
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act III, Scene 5: "Viens, nous allons nous asseoir ici," (Golaud, Yniold)
Jean Morel
George London
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mildred Allen
Debussy : Pelléas et Mélisande
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 11: "Giovinette che fate all'amore" (Zerlina, Masetto)
Nadine Conner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 10: "Madamina, il catalogo è questo" (Leporello, Donna Elvira)
Fernando Corena
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act V, Scene 4: "Qu'y a-t-il?" (Golaud, Médecin, Arkel)
Jean Morel
George London
Giorgio Tozzi
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Clifford Harvuot
Debussy : Pelléas et Mélisande
Don Giovanni, Act II, Scene 14: "Ah, pietà signori miei," (Leporello)
Karl Böhm
Ezio Flagello
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act IV, Scene 1: "Où vas-tu? Il faut que je te parle ce soir." (Pelléas, Mélisande)
Victoria de Los Angeles
Jean Morel
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Theodor Uppman
Debussy : Pelléas et Mélisande
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 20: "Ah ah ah questa è buona" (Don Giovanni, Leporello)
George London
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 12: "Tergi il ciglio" (Don Ottavio, Donna Anna, Donna Elvira)
Eugene Conley
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 26: "L'ultima prova dell'amor mio" (Donna Elvira, Don Giovanni, Leporello)
Eleanor Steber
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 22: "Calmatevi, idol moi" (Ottavio, Donna Anna)
Eugene Conley
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 28: "Ah dove è il perfido" (Tutti)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Siegfried, Act II, Scene 17: "Hei! Siegfried erschlug nun den schlimmen" (Waldvogel, Siegfried)
Laurel Hurley
Fritz Stiedry
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act III, Scene 4: "Ah! Je respire enfin! J'ai cru, un instant," (Pelléas, Golaud)
George London
Jean Morel
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Theodor Uppman
Debussy : Pelléas et Mélisande
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 22: "Or sai chi l'onore" (Donna Anna)
Margaret Harshaw
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 27: "Masetto, senti un po'!" (Zerlina, Masetto)
Nadine Conner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Siegfried, Act III, Scene 6: "Kenntest du mich, Kühner Spross," (Wanderer, Siegfried)
Fritz Stiedry
Otto Edelmann
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 26: "Fin ch'han dal vino" (Don Giovanni, Leporello)
George London
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act V, Scene 2: "Voulez-vous vous éloigner un instant," (Golaud, Mélisande)
George London
Victoria de Los Angeles
Jean Morel
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Debussy : Pelléas et Mélisande
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act IV, Scene 2: "Maintenant que le père de Pelléas" (Arkel)
Giorgio Tozzi
Jean Morel
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Debussy : Pelléas et Mélisande
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 7: "Metà di vol qua vadano" (Don Giovanni, Masetto)
George London
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 25: "Lo deggio ad ogni patto" (Leporello)
Fernando Corena
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 17: "Il mio tesoro intanto" (Don Ottavio, Leporello)
Eugene Conley
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 3: "Ah taci, ingiusto core!" (Donna Elvira, Leporello, Don Giovanni)
Eleanor Steber
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act V, Scene 1: "Ce n'est pas de cette petite blessure" (Médecin, Arkel, Golaud, Mélisande)
George London
Giorgio Tozzi
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Jean Morel
Victoria de Los Angeles
Clifford Harvuot
Debussy : Pelléas et Mélisande
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 9: "Vedrai, carino" (Zerlina)
Nadine Conner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 16: "Ferma, perfido, ferma!" (Donna Elvira, Masetto, Zerlina, Don Ottavio)
Eleanor Steber
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 13: "Mille torbidi pensieri" (Leporello)
Fernando Corena
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 30: "Presto presto pria ch'ei venga" (Masetto, Zerlina)
Lorenzo Alvary
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Siegfried, Act III, Scene 1: "Wache! Wache! Wala, erwach'!" (Wanderer)
Fritz Stiedry
Otto Edelmann
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 8: "Lascia ch'io senta" (Don Giovanni, Masetto, Zerlina)
George London
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Siegfried, Act III, Scene 15: "Erwache, Brünnhilde! Wache, du Maid!" (Siegfried, Brünnhilde)
Fritz Stiedry
Wolfgang Windgassen
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 30: "Questo è il fin di chi fa mal!" (Tutti)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 20: "Povera sventurata!" (Don Giovanni, Donna Elvira, Don Ottavio)
George London
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 12: "Manco male è partita" (Don Giovanni, Leporello, Zerlina, Masetto)
George London
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act II, Scene 3: "Ah taci, ingiusto core," (Elvira, Giovanni, Leporello)
Karl Böhm
George London
Lisa della Casa
Ezio Flagello
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 21: "O statua gentilissima" (Leporello, Don Giovanni)
Fernando Corena
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 4: "Amico, che ti par?" (Don Giovanni, Leporello, Donna Elvira)
George London
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Siegfried, Act III, Scene 12: "O Siegfried! Siegfried! Seliger Held!" (Brünnhilde, Siegfried)
Fritz Stiedry
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Martha Mödl
Wagner: Siegfried
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 4: "Ah soccorso!" (Commendatore, Don Giovanni, Leporello)
Luben Vichegonov
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Siegfried, Act II, Scene 16: "Neides-Zoll zahlt Nothung" (Siegfried)
Fritz Stiedry
Wolfgang Windgassen
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 2: "Leporello!" (Don Giovanni, Leporello)
George London
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act III, Scene 3: "Prenez garde; par ici, par ici." (Golaud, Pelléas)
George London
Jean Morel
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Theodor Uppman
Debussy : Pelléas et Mélisande
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 27: "Don Giovanni, a cenar teco" (Commendatore, Don Giovanni, Leporello)
Luben Vichegonov
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act II, Scene 4: "Oui, c'est ici, nous y sommes." (Pelléas, Mélisande)
Victoria de Los Angeles
Jean Morel
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Theodor Uppman
Debussy : Pelléas et Mélisande
Don Giovanni, K. 527: "Ouverture" (Orchestra)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 24: "Non mi dir, bell'idol mio" (Donna Anna, Don Ottavio)
Margaret Harshaw
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Siegfried, Act III, Scene 7: "Zieh' hin! Ich kann dich nicht halten" (Wanderer, Siegfried)
Fritz Stiedry
Otto Edelmann
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 19: "Non ti fidar, o misera" (Donna Elvira, Don Ottavio)
Eleanor Steber
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Siegfried, Act III, Scene 10: "Heil dir, Sonne! Heil dir, Licht!" (Brünnhilde, Siegfried)
Fritz Stiedry
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Martha Mödl
Wagner: Siegfried
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II, Scene 5: "Deh vieni alla finestra" (Don Giovanni)
George London
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 28: "Batti, batti, o bel Masetto" (Zerlina)
Nadine Conner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I, Scene 24: "Dalla sua pace" (Don Ottavio, Leporello, Don Giovanni)
Eugene Conley
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Max Rudolf
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Lohengrin, Act III: "Das süße Lied verhallt" (Lohengrin, Elsa)
Fritz Busch
Lauritz Melchior
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act II: "Du fürchterliches Weib" (Telramund)
Fritz Busch
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Osie Hawkins
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act I: "Dank, König, dir, daß du zu richten kamst!" (Telramund)
Fritz Busch
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Osie Hawkins
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act I: "Einsam in trüben Tagen" (Elsa)
Helen Traubel
Fritz Busch
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Pelléas et Mélisande, L. 88, Act II, Scene 3: "Interlude"
Jean Morel
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Debussy : Pelléas et Mélisande
Lohengrin, Act II: "Elsa!" (Ortrud, Elsa)
Margaret Harshaw
Fritz Busch
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Macbeth, Act I, Scene 8: "Ambizïoso spirito" (Lady)
Léonie Rysanek
Erich Leinsdorf
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Verdi: Macbeth
Lohengrin, Act I: "Nun hört! Euch, Volk und Edlen, mach' ich kund" (Lohengrin, Telramund)
Fritz Busch
Lauritz Melchior
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act II: "Der Rache Werk sei nun beschworen" (Ortrud, Telramund)
Margaret Harshaw
Fritz Busch
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Osie Hawkins
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act I: "Des Ritters will ich wahren" (Elsa, König Heinrich)
Helen Traubel
Fritz Busch
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act II: "Entweihte Götter!" (Ortrud, Elsa)
Margaret Harshaw
Fritz Busch
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Macbeth, Act I, Scene 5: "Due vaticini compiuti or sono…" (Macbeth, Banco, Coro)
Leonard Warren
Jerome Hines
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Lohengrin, Act II: "Nicht dir, der so vergaß der Ehren" (Lohengrin, Telramund)
Fritz Busch
Lauritz Melchior
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act III: "Atmest du nicht mit mir die süßen Düfte?" (Lohengrin, Elsa)
Fritz Busch
Lauritz Melchior
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act I: "Mein Herr und Gott, nun ruf' ich dich" (König Heinrich)
Dezsö Ernster
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Fritz Busch
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act II: "Du wilde Seherin" (Telramund)
Fritz Busch
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Osie Hawkins
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act I: "Prelude"
Fritz Busch
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act I: "Wer hier im Gotteskampf zu streiten kam" (Heerrufer, Elsa)
Fritz Busch
Hugh Thompson
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act I: "Welch' fürchterliche Klage sprichst du aus" (König Heinrich)
Dezsö Ernster
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Fritz Busch
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act III: "Treulich geführt, ziehet dahin" (Elsa)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Fritz Busch
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act I: "Nun höret mich und achtet wohl" (Heerrufer, Lohengrin, Telramund)
Fritz Busch
Hugh Thompson
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act II: "Elsa, mit wem verkehrst du da?" (Lohengrin, Elsa)
Fritz Busch
Lauritz Melchior
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act I: "Nie sollst du mich befragen" (Lohengrin, Elsa)
Fritz Busch
Lauritz Melchior
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act II: "In Früh'n versammelt uns der Ruf" (Telramund)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Fritz Busch
Wagner: Lohengrin
Salome: "Tanz dei sieben Schleier" (Herodes, Salome, Herodias)
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Strauss: Salome
Lohengrin, Act II: "Des Königs Wort und Will' tu' ich euch kund" (Heerrufer)
Fritz Busch
Hugh Thompson
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act III: "In fernem Land, unnahbar euren Schritten" (Lohengrin, König Heinrich)
Fritz Busch
Lauritz Melchior
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act I: "Hört! Grafen, Edle, Freie von Brabant!" (Heerrufer)
Fritz Busch
Hugh Thompson
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act III: "Höchstes Vertrau'n hast du mir schon zu danken" (Lohengrin)
Fritz Busch
Lauritz Melchior
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act III: "Mein Herr und König, laß die melden" (Lohengrin, König Heinrich)
Fritz Busch
Lauritz Melchior
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act III: "Hilf Gott, was muß ich hören!" (Elsa)
Helen Traubel
Fritz Busch
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Macbeth, Act I, Scene 7: "Nel dì della vittoria io le incontrai…" (Lady)
Léonie Rysanek
Erich Leinsdorf
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Verdi: Macbeth
Lohengrin, Act III: "Mein lieber Schwan!" (Lohengrin, König Heinrich)
Fritz Busch
Lauritz Melchior
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act II: "Gesegnet soll sie schreiten" (chor)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Fritz Busch
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act III: "Mir schwankt der Boden! Welche Nacht! O Luft!" (Elsa, Lohengrin)
Helen Traubel
Fritz Busch
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Macbeth, Act I, Scene 4: "Pro Macbetto! Il tuo signore" (Coro, Macbeth, Banco)
Leonard Warren
Jerome Hines
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Siegfried, Act III, Scene 8: "Selige Öde auf wonniger Höh'!" (Siegfried)
Fritz Stiedry
Wolfgang Windgassen
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act II, Scene 15: "Hei, so trink' nur, trau' meiner Kunst!" (Mime, Siegfried)
Fritz Stiedry
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Norman Kelley
Wagner: Siegfried
Lohengrin, Act II: "Du Lästerin! Ruchlose Frau!" (Elsa, Ortrud)
Helen Traubel
Fritz Busch
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act I: "Durch Gottes Sieg ist jetzt dein Leben mein" (Lohengrin, Ortrud, Elsa)
Fritz Busch
Lauritz Melchior
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act I: "Nun sei bedankt, mein lieber Schwan!" (Lohengrin, König Heinrich)
Fritz Busch
Lauritz Melchior
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act I: "Mich irret nicht ihr träumerischer Mut" (Telramund)
Fritz Busch
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Osie Hawkins
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act III: "Prelude"
Fritz Busch
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Salome: "Es ist kein Laut zu vernehmen" (Salome)
Ljuba Welitsch
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Strauss: Salome
Lohengrin, Act II: "O König! Trugbetörte Fürsten!" (Telramund, König Heinrich)
Fritz Busch
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Osie Hawkins
Wagner: Lohengrin
Macbeth, Act I, Scene 18: "Schiudi, inferno, la bocca ed inghiotti" (Tutti)
Leonard Warren
Jerome Hines
Léonie Rysanek
Carlotta Ordassy
Carlo Bergonzi
William Olvis
Gerhard Pechner
Harold Sternberg
Osie Hawkins
Calvin Marsh
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Macbeth, Act II, Scene 9: "Si colmi il calice" (Lady, Macbeth, Coro)
Léonie Rysanek
Leonard Warren
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 20: "Don Ottavio, son morta!" (Anna, Ottavio)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Karl Böhm
Eleanor Steber
Cesare Valletti
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Salome: "Wer hat meinen Ring genommen?" (Herodes, Herodias, Salome, Judes)
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Set Svanholm
Strauss: Salome
Don Giovanni, Act III, Scene 3: "Calmatevi, idol mio" (Ottavio, Anna)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Karl Böhm
Eleanor Steber
Cesare Valletti
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Salome: "Ah! Du wolltest mich nicht deinen Mund küssen lassen" (Salome)
Ljuba Welitsch
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Strauss: Salome
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 5: "Fuggi, crudele, fuggi!" (Anna, Ottavio)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Karl Böhm
Eleanor Steber
Cesare Valletti
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Macbeth, Act II, Scene 3: "Chi v'impose unirvi a noi?" (Coro)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 32: "Protegga il giusto cielo" (Anna, Ottavio, Elvira)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Lisa della Casa
Karl Böhm
Eleanor Steber
Cesare Valletti
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 29: "Presto presto pria ch'ei venga" (Masetto, Zerlina, Giovanni, Coro)
Theodor Uppman
George London
Laurel Hurley
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Karl Böhm
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act II, Scene 16: "Il moi tesoro intanto" (Ottavio)
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Cesare Valletti
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act II, Scene 1: "Ehi via, buffone, non mi seccar." (Giovanni, Leporello)
George London
Karl Böhm
Ezio Flagello
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act II, Scene 11: "Sola, sola, in bulo loco" (Ottavio, Anna, Elvira, Leporello, Zerlina, Masetto)
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Theodor Uppman
Eleanor Steber
Laurel Hurley
Lisa della Casa
Ezio Flagello
Cesare Valletti
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 1: "Ouverture"
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 24: "Io deggio ad ogni patto" (Leporello, Giovanni)
George London
Karl Böhm
Ezio Flagello
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Macbeth, Act II, Scene 6: "Salve, o Re!" (Coro, Macbeth, Lady)
Leonard Warren
Léonie Rysanek
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Salome: "Wo ist Salome? Wo ist die Prinzessin?" (Herodes, Herodias)
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Set Svanholm
Strauss: Salome
Don Giovanni, Act III, Scene 6: "Già la mensa è preparata" (Giovanni, Leporello)
George London
Karl Böhm
Ezio Flagello
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Salome: "Tanz für mich, Salome" (Herodes, Salome, Herodias)
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Set Svanholm
Strauss: Salome
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 11: "Manco male è partita." (Giovanni, Leporello, Zerlina, Masetto)
George London
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Theodor Uppman
Laurel Hurley
Ezio Flagello
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Macbeth, Act III, Scene 4: "Vivran costor?" (Macbeth, Coro)
Leonard Warren
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Macbeth, Act III, Scene 2: "Finché appelli, silenti m'attendete." (Macbeth, Coro)
Leonard Warren
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 6: "Orsù, spicciati presto…" (Giovanni, Leporello)
George London
Karl Böhm
Ezio Flagello
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Salome: "Salome, bedenk was du tun willst" (Herodes, Herodias, Salome, Judes)
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Set Svanholm
Strauss: Salome
Macbeth, Act I, Scene 11: "Or tutti sorgete, - ministri infernali," (Lady)
Léonie Rysanek
Erich Leinsdorf
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Verdi: Macbeth
Don Giovanni, Act II, Scene 13: "Dunque, quello sei tu" (Zerlina, Elvira, Ottavio, Masetto)
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Theodor Uppman
Laurel Hurley
Lisa della Casa
Cesare Valletti
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Salome: "Jochanaan, ich bin verliebt in deinen Leib" (Salome, Narraboth, Jochanaan)
Ljuba Welitsch
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Strauss: Salome
Macbeth, Act I, Scene 13: "Sappia la sposa mia che," (Macbeth)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Leonard Warren
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Don Giovanni, Act II, Scene 7: "Metà di voi qua vadano," (Giovanni)
George London
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 33: "Riposate, vezzose ragazze." (Tutti)
George London
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
William Wilderman
Theodor Uppman
Eleanor Steber
Laurel Hurley
Lisa della Casa
Ezio Flagello
Cesare Valletti
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 16: "Ah fuggi il traditor" (Elvira)
Lisa della Casa
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Salome: "Siehe, der Herr ist gekommen" (Jochanaan, Salome, Ein Sklave, Narraboth)
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Hans Hotter
Strauss: Salome
Don Giovanni, Act II, Scene 5: "Deh vieni alla finestra," (Giovanni)
George London
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Macbeth, Act II, Scene 5: "Come dal ciel precipita" (Banco)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Jerome Hines
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 21: "Or sai chi l'onore" (Anna)
Karl Böhm
Eleanor Steber
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 10: "Giovinette che fate all'amore," (Zerlina, Coro, Masetto)
Laurel Hurley
Theodor Uppman
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Karl Böhm
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Salome: "Ah! Ich habe deinen Munf geküßt" (Salome, Herodes)
Ljuba Welitsch
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Strauss: Salome
Salome: "Ah! Warum hast du mich nicht angesehn" (Salome)
Ljuba Welitsch
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Strauss: Salome
Salome: "Salome, komm, trink Wein mit mir" (Herodes, Salome, Herodias)
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Set Svanholm
Strauss: Salome
Don Giovanni, Act III, Scene 11: "Questo è il fin di chi fa mal!" (Tutti)
George London
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
William Wilderman
Theodor Uppman
Eleanor Steber
Laurel Hurley
Lisa della Casa
Ezio Flagello
Cesare Valletti
Mozart: Don Giovanni
La bohème, Act IV, Scene 5: "Vecchia zimarra, senti" (Colline, Marcello, Musetta)
Norman Scott
Alberto Erede
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Puccini: La bohème
Macbeth, Act I, Scene 15: "Il pugnal là riportate…" (Lady, Macbeth)
Léonie Rysanek
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Leonard Warren
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
La bohème, Act III, Scene 5: "Ebbene no, non lo son" (Rodolfo, Marcello, Mimi)
Alberto Erede
Eugene Conley
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Puccini: La bohème
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 18: "Non ti fidar, o misera" (Elvira, Anna, Ottavio, Giovanni)
George London
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Eleanor Steber
Lisa della Casa
Cesare Valletti
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 13: "Alfin siamo liberati," (Giovanni, Zerlina)
Laurel Hurley
George London
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act III, Scene 7: "L'ultima prova dell'amor moi" (Elvira, Giovanni, Leporello)
Karl Böhm
George London
Lisa della Casa
Ezio Flagello
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Macbeth, Act IV, Scene 1: "Patria oppressa! Il dolce nome" (Coro)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Salome: "Er ist schrecklich. Er ist wirklich schrecklich" (Salome, Narraboth)
Ljuba Welitsch
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Strauss: Salome
Macbeth, Act III, Scene 1: "Tre volte miagola la gatta in fregola." (Coro)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Salome: "Sie ist ein Ungeheur, deine Tochter" (Herodes, Herodias, Salome)
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Set Svanholm
Strauss: Salome
Don Giovanni, Act II, Scene 12: "Mille torbidi pensieri" (Ottavio, Anna, Elvira, Leporello, Zerlina, Masetto)
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Theodor Uppman
Eleanor Steber
Laurel Hurley
Lisa della Casa
Ezio Flagello
Cesare Valletti
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Macbeth, Act II, Scene 10: "Sangue a me quell'ombra chiude" (Tutti)
Leonard Warren
Jerome Hines
Léonie Rysanek
Carlotta Ordassy
Carlo Bergonzi
William Olvis
Gerhard Pechner
Harold Sternberg
Osie Hawkins
Calvin Marsh
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Macbeth, Act II, Scene 4: "Studia il passo," (Banco)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Jerome Hines
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Don Giovanni, Act III, Scene 9: "Ah dove è il perfido" (Tutti)
George London
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
William Wilderman
Theodor Uppman
Eleanor Steber
Laurel Hurley
Lisa della Casa
Ezio Flagello
Cesare Valletti
Mozart: Don Giovanni
La bohème, Act IV, Scene 7: "O Dio! Mimì!" (Rodolfo, Musetta, Mimi, Marcello)
Alberto Erede
Eugene Conley
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Puccini: La bohème
La bohème, Act II, Scene 6: "Ahi! Qual dolore, qual bruciore!" (Musetta, Marcello, Mimì)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Alberto Erede
Jean Fenn
Puccini: La bohème
La bohème, Act I, Scene 6: "Non sono in vena" (Rodolfo, Colline)
Alberto Erede
Eugene Conley
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Puccini: La bohème
La bohème, Act I, Scene 3: "Abbasso, abbasso l'autore" (Colline, Rodolfo, Marcello)
Norman Scott
Alberto Erede
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Puccini: La bohème
La bohème, Act III, Scene 1: "Ohé, là, le guardie!" (Chorus)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Alberto Erede
Puccini: La bohème
La bohème, Act IV, Scene 2: "O Mimì tu più non torni" (Rodolfo, Marcello, Colline)
Alberto Erede
Eugene Conley
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Puccini: La bohème
Macbeth, Act II, Scene 8: "Che ti scosta, o re moi sposo," (Lady, Macbeth, Coro)
Léonie Rysanek
Leonard Warren
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
La bohème, Act III, Scene 2: "Sa dirmi, scusi, qual è l'osteria" (Mimì, Sergente)
Alberto Erede
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Hilde Güden
Puccini: La bohème
Lohengrin, Act III: "Fahr' heim! Fahr' heim, du stolzer Helde" (Ortrud, Lohengrin, Elsa)
Margaret Harshaw
Fritz Busch
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act III: "Fühl' ich zu dir so süß mein Herz entbrennen" (Elsa, Lohengrin)
Helen Traubel
Fritz Busch
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act III: "Heil König Heinrich!" (chor)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Fritz Busch
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act III: "Weh, nun ist all unser Glück dahin!" (Lohengrin, Elsa)
Fritz Busch
Lauritz Melchior
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Lohengrin, Act II: "Zurück, Elsa!" (Ortrud, Elsa)
Margaret Harshaw
Fritz Busch
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Lohengrin
Salome: "Siehe, die Zeit ist gekommen" (Jochanaan, Herodias, Herodes, Ester Jude)
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Hans Hotter
Strauss: Salome
La bohème, Act IV, Scene 1: "In un coupé?" (Marcello, Rodolfo)
Alberto Erede
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Robert Merrill
Puccini: La bohème
Salome: "Salome, ich beschwöre dich, sei nicht trotzig" (Herodes, Herodias, Salome, Judes)
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Set Svanholm
Strauss: Salome
La bohème, Act I, Scene 2: "A te l'atto primo" (Rodolfo, Marcello, Schaunard)
Alberto Erede
Eugene Conley
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Puccini: La bohème
La bohème, Act III, Scene 7: "Dunque è proprio finita?" (Rodolfo, Musetta, Mimi, Marcello)
Alberto Erede
Eugene Conley
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Puccini: La bohème
La bohème, Act III, Scene 6: "D'onde lieta uscì" (Mimì, Rodolfo, Marcello)
Alberto Erede
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Hilde Güden
Puccini: La bohème
La bohème, Act I, Scene 5: "Ho pagato il trimestre" (Marcello)
Alberto Erede
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Robert Merrill
Puccini: La bohème
La bohème, Act IV, Scene 3: "Che ora sia?" (Rodolfo, Schaunard)
Alberto Erede
Eugene Conley
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Puccini: La bohème
La bohème, Act I, Scene 9: "Ehi! Rodolfo!" (Schaunard, Mimì, Marcello)
Alberto Erede
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Clifford Harvuot
Puccini: La bohème
Macbeth, Act I, Scene 12: "Oh donna mia!" (Macbeth, Lady)
Léonie Rysanek
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Leonard Warren
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
La bohème, Act IV, Scene 4: "C'è Mimì…" (Musetta, Rodolfo, Schaunard)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Alberto Erede
Jean Fenn
Puccini: La bohème
Don Giovanni, Act II, Scene 6: "V'è gente alla finestra," (Giovanni, Masetto)
George London
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Theodor Uppman
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 17: "Mi par ch'oggi il demonio" (Giovanni, Ottavio, Anna)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
George London
Karl Böhm
Eleanor Steber
Cesare Valletti
Mozart: Don Giovanni
La bohème, Act IV, Scene 6: "Sono andati?" (Mimì, Musetta, Marcello)
Alberto Erede
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Hilde Güden
Puccini: La bohème
La bohème, Act I, Scene 4: "Si puó?" (Benoît, Marcello, Schaunard)
Lawrence Davidson
Alberto Erede
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Puccini: La bohème
La bohème, Act I, Scene 7: "Che gelida manina!" (Rodolfo)
Alberto Erede
Eugene Conley
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Puccini: La bohème
La bohème, Act III, Scene 4: "Marcello. Finalmente!" (Rodolfo, Marcello)
Alberto Erede
Eugene Conley
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Puccini: La bohème
La bohème, Act II, Scene 2: "Questa è Mimì, gaia fioraia" (Rodolfo, Parpignol)
Alberto Erede
Eugene Conley
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Puccini: La bohème
La bohème, Act II, Scene 3: "Signorina Mimì, che dono raro" (Marcello, Mimì)
Alberto Erede
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Robert Merrill
Puccini: La bohème
La bohème, Act II, Scene 5: "Quando me'n vo' soletta" (Musetta, Alcindoro)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Alberto Erede
Jean Fenn
Puccini: La bohème
Macbeth, Act IV, Scene 8: "Una macchia è qui tuttora…" (Lady, Medico, Dama)
Léonie Rysanek
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Gerhard Pechner
Carlotta Ordassy
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Macbeth, Act IV, Scene 6: "Intruduzione orchestrale"
Erich Leinsdorf
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Verdi: Macbeth
Macbeth, Act I, Scene 6: "S'allontanarono! - N'accozzeremo" (Coro)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 30: "Tra quest'arbori celata" (Zerlina, Giovanni, Masetto)
Laurel Hurley
George London
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Theodor Uppman
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Macbeth, Act IV, Scene 5: "La patria tradita" (Malcolm, Coro, Macduff)
William Olvis
Carlo Bergonzi
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Don Giovanni, Act III, Scene 4: "Troppo mi spiace" (Anna)
Karl Böhm
Eleanor Steber
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Salome: "Wo ist er, dessen Sündenbecher jetzt voll ist?" (Jochanaan, Salome, Narraboth)
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Hans Hotter
Strauss: Salome
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 34: "Ecco il birbo che t'ha offesa:" (Tutti)
George London
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
William Wilderman
Theodor Uppman
Eleanor Steber
Laurel Hurley
Lisa della Casa
Ezio Flagello
Cesare Valletti
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 9: "Madamina, il catalogo è questo" (Leporello)
Karl Böhm
Ezio Flagello
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act III, Scene 1: "Ah ah ah questa è buona" (Giovanni, Leporello, Commendatore)
George London
Karl Böhm
Ezio Flagello
William Wilderman
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act II, Scene 10: "Di molte faci il lume" (Leporello, Elvira)
Karl Böhm
Lisa della Casa
Ezio Flagello
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 7: "Ah chi mi dice mai" (Elvira, Giovanni, Leporello)
Karl Böhm
George London
Lisa della Casa
Ezio Flagello
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act III, Scene 10: "Or che tutti, o mio tesoro" (Tutti)
George London
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
William Wilderman
Theodor Uppman
Eleanor Steber
Laurel Hurley
Lisa della Casa
Ezio Flagello
Cesare Valletti
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 27: "Batti, batti, o bel Masetto," (Zerlina)
Laurel Hurley
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act III, Scene 8: "Don Giovanni, a cenar teco" (Commendatore, Giovanni, Leporello)
George London
Karl Böhm
Ezio Flagello
William Wilderman
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act II, Scene 2: "Leporello. … Signore." (Giovanni, Leporello)
George London
Karl Böhm
Ezio Flagello
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 8: "Chi è la? … Stelle! Che vedo!" (Elvira, Giovanni, Leporello)
Karl Böhm
George London
Lisa della Casa
Ezio Flagello
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Macbeth, Act IV, Scene 9: "Perfidi! All'anglo contro me v'unite!" (Macbeth)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Leonard Warren
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Salome: "Nach mir wird einer kommen" (Jochanaan, Ein Kappadozier, Narraboth)
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Hans Hotter
Strauss: Salome
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 12: "Ho capito, signor sì," (Masetto)
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Theodor Uppman
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Macbeth, Act IV, Scene 4: "Dove siam? Che bosco è quello?" (Malcolm, Coro, Macduff)
William Olvis
Carlo Bergonzi
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Macbeth, Act III, Scene 5: "Ove son io?..." (Macbeth, Araldo, Lady)
Léonie Rysanek
Erich Leinsdorf
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Leonard Warren
Calvin Marsh
Verdi: Macbeth
Salome: "Zurück, Tochter Sodoms!" (Jochanaan, Salome, Narraboth)
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Hans Hotter
Strauss: Salome
Macbeth, Act III, Scene 6: "Ora di morte e di vendetta," (Macbeth, Lady)
Léonie Rysanek
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Leonard Warren
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Macbeth, Act I, Scene 14: "Regna il sonno su tutti…" (Lady, Macbeth)
Léonie Rysanek
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Leonard Warren
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Salome: "Wie schön ist die Prinzessin Salome" (Narraboth, Erster Soldat, Zweiter Soldat)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Brian Sullivan
Fritz Reiner
Strauss: Salome
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 3: "Ah soccorso!..." (Commendatore, Giovanni, Leporello, Anna, Ottavio)
George London
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
William Wilderman
Eleanor Steber
Ezio Flagello
Cesare Valletti
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 4: "Ma qual mai s'offre," (Anna, Ottavio)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Karl Böhm
Eleanor Steber
Cesare Valletti
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Salome: "Niemals, Tochter Babylons" (Jochanaan, Salome, Narraboth)
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Hans Hotter
Strauss: Salome
Salome: "Ich will nicht bleiben" (Salome)
Ljuba Welitsch
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Strauss: Salome
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 31: "Bisogna aver coraggio," (Elvira, Ottavio, Anna, Leporello)
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Eleanor Steber
Lisa della Casa
Ezio Flagello
Cesare Valletti
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Macbeth, Act III, Scene 3: "Fuggi, regal fantasma," (Macbeth)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Leonard Warren
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Macbeth, Act IV, Scene 3: "Ah, la paterna mano" (Macduff)
Carlo Bergonzi
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Don Giovanni, Act III, Scene 5: "Non mir dir, bell'idol moi" (Anna)
Karl Böhm
Eleanor Steber
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 25: "Fin ch'han dal vino" (Giovanni)
George London
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Macbeth, Act IV, Scene 14: "Macbeth, Macbeth ov'è?" (Coro, Malcolm, Macduff)
William Olvis
Carlo Bergonzi
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 8: "Und diese Stücke sollst du mir schmieden" (Siegfried, Mime)
Fritz Stiedry
Wolfgang Windgassen
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act II, Scene 11: "Zur Kunde taugt kein Toter." (Siegfried, Waldvogel)
Fritz Stiedry
Wolfgang Windgassen
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 12: "Auf der Erde Tiefe Rüken wuchtet der Götter" (Wanderer, Mime)
Fritz Stiedry
Otto Edelmann
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act II, Scene 3: "Mit mir nicht, had're mit Mime" (Wanderer, Alberich)
Fritz Stiedry
Otto Edelmann
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 16: "Dreimal solltest du fragen" (Wanderer, Mime)
Fritz Stiedry
Otto Edelmann
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 10: "Hier sitz' ich am Herd" (Wanderer, Mime)
Fritz Stiedry
Otto Edelmann
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act II, Scene 12: "Wohin schleich'st du eilig und schlau," (Alberich, Mime)
Fritz Stiedry
Gerhard Pechner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act III, Scene 5: "Mein Vöglein schwebte mir fort;" (Siegfried, Wanderer)
Fritz Stiedry
Wolfgang Windgassen
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act III, Scene 9: "Das ist kein Mann!" (Siegfried)
Fritz Stiedry
Wolfgang Windgassen
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Macbeth, Act IV, Scene 2: "O figli, o figli miei! Da quel tiranno" (Macduff)
Carlo Bergonzi
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 11: "In der Erde Tiefe tagen die Nibelungen" (Wanderer, Mime)
Fritz Stiedry
Otto Edelmann
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act III, Scene 13: "Kein Gott nahte mir je:" (Brünnhilde, Siegfried)
Fritz Stiedry
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Martha Mödl
Wagner: Siegfried
Macbeth, Act IV, Scene 13: "Vittoria!" (Coro, Malcolm, Macduff)
William Olvis
Carlo Bergonzi
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 21: "Hoho! Hoho! Hohei! Scmiede mein Hammer," (Siegfried, Mime)
Fritz Stiedry
Wolfgang Windgassen
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 13: "Auf wolkigen Höh'n wohnen die Götter" (Wanderer, Mime)
Fritz Stiedry
Otto Edelmann
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 9: "Da stürmt er hin!" (Mime, Wanderer)
Fritz Stiedry
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Norman Kelley
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act III, Scene 2: "Stark ruft das Lied;" (Erda, Wanderer)
Jean Madeira
Fritz Stiedry
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 15: "Wenig hört' ich von Heldensippen" (Mime, Wanderer)
Fritz Stiedry
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Norman Kelley
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 3: "Hoiho! Hoiho!" (Siegfried, Mime)
Fritz Stiedry
Wolfgang Windgassen
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 14: "Was zu wissen dir frommt" (Wanderer, Mime)
Fritz Stiedry
Otto Edelmann
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 17: "Heda! Du Fauler! Bist du nun fertig?" (Siegfried, Mime)
Fritz Stiedry
Wolfgang Windgassen
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act II, Scene 4: "Was beginnt der Wilde?" (Alberich, Fafner, Wanderer)
Fritz Stiedry
Otto Edelmann
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Gerhard Pechner
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 19: "Hättest du fleissig die Kunst gepflegt," (Mime, Siegfried)
Fritz Stiedry
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Norman Kelley
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 5: "Vieles lehrtest du, Mine," (Siegfried, Mime)
Fritz Stiedry
Wolfgang Windgassen
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act II, Scene 1: "Prelude"
Fritz Stiedry
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Salome: "Du wirst das für mich tun, Narraboth" (Salome, Narraboth)
Ljuba Welitsch
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Strauss: Salome
Siegfried, Act III, Scene 3: "Männertaten umdämmern mir den Mut" (Erda, Wanderer)
Jean Madeira
Fritz Stiedry
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Macbeth, Act II, Scene 2: "La luce langue, il faro spegnesi" (Lady)
Léonie Rysanek
Erich Leinsdorf
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Verdi: Macbeth
Macbeth, Act IV, Scene 10: "Pietà, rispetto, amore," (Macbeth)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Leonard Warren
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Macbeth, Act I, Scene 3: "Giorno non vidìmai sì fiero e bello!" (Macbeth, Banco, Coro)
Leonard Warren
Jerome Hines
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Siegfried, Act III, Scene 11: "O Heil der Mutter, die mich gebar" (Siegfried, Brünnhilde)
Fritz Stiedry
Wolfgang Windgassen
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act III, Scene 14: "Ewig war ich, ewig bin ich," (Brünnhilde, Siegfried)
Fritz Stiedry
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Martha Mödl
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act II, Scene 8: "Du holdes Vöglein!" (Siegfried)
Fritz Stiedry
Wolfgang Windgassen
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act III, Scene 4: "Dir Unweisen ruf' ich ins Ohr" (Wanderer)
Fritz Stiedry
Otto Edelmann
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 1: "Prelude"
Fritz Stiedry
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act II, Scene 9: "Da hätte mein Lied mir' was Liebes erblasen!" (Siegfried, Fafner)
Fritz Stiedry
Wolfgang Windgassen
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Siegfried, Act I, Scene 2: "Zwangolle Plage! Müh' ohne Zweck!" (Mime)
Fritz Stiedry
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Norman Kelley
Wagner: Siegfried
Macbeth, Act I, Scene 1: "Preludio"
Erich Leinsdorf
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Verdi: Macbeth
Macbeth, Act IV, Scene 12: "Mal per me che m'affidai…" (Macbeth)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Leonard Warren
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Macbeth, Act I, Scene 9: "Vieni! T'affretta! Accendere" (Lady)
Léonie Rysanek
Erich Leinsdorf
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Verdi: Macbeth
Macbeth, Act I, Scene 2: "Che faceste? Dite su!" (Coro)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Macbeth, Act IV, Scene 7: "Vegliammo invan due notti." (Medico, Dama)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Gerhard Pechner
Carlotta Ordassy
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Don Giovanni, Act II, Scene 18: "Mi tradì quell'alma ingrata" (Elvira)
Lisa della Casa
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 26: "Masetto, senti un po'!" (Zerlina, Masetto)
Laurel Hurley
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Theodor Uppman
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 2: "Notte e giorno faticar" (Leporello, Anna, Giovanni, Commendatore)
George London
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
William Wilderman
Eleanor Steber
Ezio Flagello
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act II, Scene 17: "In quali eccessi, o Numi," (Elvira)
Lisa della Casa
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Macbeth, Act II, Scene 7: "Si colmi il calice" (Lady, Coro, Macbeth, Sicario)
Léonie Rysanek
Leonard Warren
Osie Hawkins
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi: Macbeth
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 28: "Guarda un po' come seppe" (Masetto, Giovanni, Zerlina)
Laurel Hurley
George London
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Theodor Uppman
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act III, Scene 2: "O statua gentilissima" (Giovanni, Leporello, Commendatore)
George London
Karl Böhm
Ezio Flagello
William Wilderman
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Macbeth, Act I, Scene 10: "Al cader della sera il Re qui griunge." (Servo, Lady)
Harold Sternberg
Léonie Rysanek
Erich Leinsdorf
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Verdi: Macbeth
Don Giovanni, Act II, Scene 15: "Ferma, perfido, ferma!..." (Elvira, Masetto, Zerlina, Ottavio)
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Theodor Uppman
Laurel Hurley
Lisa della Casa
Cesare Valletti
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act II, Scene 4: "Amico, che ti par?" (Elvira, Giovanni, Leporello)
Karl Böhm
George London
Lisa della Casa
Ezio Flagello
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Salome: "Siehe, der Tag ist nahe" (Jochanaan, Judes)
Fritz Reiner
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Hans Hotter
Strauss: Salome
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 15: "Férmati scellerato:" (Elvira, Zerlina, Giovanni)
Laurel Hurley
George London
Lisa della Casa
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni, Act I, Scene 23: "Dalla sua pace" (Ottavio)
Karl Böhm
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Cesare Valletti
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Verdi - aida
Birgit Nilsson, Richard Tucker, William Steinberg, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
100 Masterpieces of Classical Music (Remastered)
Various Artists, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Anthony Collins, Wiener Philharmoniker, Herbert von Karajan, Sviatoslav Richter,...
Verdi: Don Carlo (New York 1961)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Nino Verchi, Franco Corelli, Mary Curtis-Verna, Mario Sereni, Irene Dalis, Jerome Hin...
Puccini - La bohème
Renata Tebaldi, Sandor Konya, Fausto Cleva, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, New York
Wagner: Lohengrin
Hugh Thompson, Dezsö Ernster, Osie Hawkins, Helen Traubel, Lauritz Melchior, Margaret Harshaw, Fritz Busch, Orchestra of the Met...
Wagner: Götterdämmerung (New York, 1957)
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House,Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House, Fritz Stiedry, Belén Amparan, Margaret Roggero...
Puccini: La bohème
Robert Merrill, Eugene Conley, Norman Scott, Lawrence Davidson, Hilde Güden, Clifford Harvuot, Jean Fenn, Alberto Erede, Orchest...
Verdi: Macbeth
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Erich Leinsdorf, Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, Karl Böhm, Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera House
Wagner: Siegfried
Norman Kelley, Wolfgang Windgassen, Otto Edelmann, Gerhard Pechner, Kurt Böhme, Laurel Hurley, Jean Madeira, Martha Mödl, Fritz ...
Verdi - La traviata
Joan Sutherland, Nicolai Gedda, George Schick, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Mozart: Don Giovanni
Fernando Corena, Margaret Harshaw, Luben Vichegonov, George London, Eleanor Steber, Nadine Conner, Lorenzo Alvary, Eugene Conley...
Don Giovanni's Mozart
Various Artists, Tutti, Fernando Corena, Eugene Conley, Luben Vichegonov, Eleanor Steber, George London, Margaret Harshaw, Orche...
Verdi - Il trovatore
Kurt Baum, Zinka Milanov, Fausto Cleva, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Strauss: Salome
Brian Sullivan, Hans Hotter, Ljuba Welitsch, Set Svanholm, Fritz Reiner, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
Debussy : Pelléas et Mélisande
Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, George London, Jean Morel, Victoria de los Angeles
Ponchielli - La Gioconda
Zinka Milanov, Gianni Poggi, Fausto Cleva, Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House
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