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Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
Karel Kalaš
Jiří Joran
Ivo Žídek
Milada Šubrtová
Zdeněk Otava
Miloslava Fidlerová
Věra Soukupová
Bohumír Vích
Antonín Votava
Eduard Haken
Jindřich Jindrák
Milan Malý
Jan Hus Tichý
Prague National Theatre Chorus
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act I, Scene 1: "But I say you" (Volfram Olbramovič, starosta pražský, Oldřich Rokycanský, rytíř)
Prague National Theatre Chorus
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Milan Malý
Jan Hus Tichý
Karel Kalaš
Jiří Joran
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act I, Scene 2: "Get on horseback!" (Volfram Olbramovič, starosta pražský, Oldřich Rokycanský, rytíř, Junoš, mladý měšťan pražský)
Prague National Theatre Chorus
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Milan Malý
Jan Hus Tichý
Karel Kalaš
Jiří Joran
Ivo Žídek
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act I, Scene 3: "What a bustle" (Ludiše, Volframova dcera)
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Jan Hus Tichý
Milada Šubrtová
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act I, Scene 4: "And the sweet, sweet love, making!" (Jan Tausendmark, mladý měšťan pražský, Ludiše, Volframova dcera)
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Jan Hus Tichý
Zdeněk Otava
Milada Šubrtová
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act I, Scene 5: "Heavens! Call the people!" (Ludiše, Volframova dcera, Vlčenka, Volframova dcera, Děčana, Volframova dcera)
Prague National Theatre Chorus
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Milan Malý
Jan Hus Tichý
Milada Šubrtová
Miloslava Fidlerová
Věra Soukupová
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act I, Scene 6: "What you will find" (Jan Tausendmark, mladý měšťan pražský)
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Jan Hus Tichý
Zdeněk Otava
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act I, Scene 7: "You have refused to give in daytime" (Jíra, poběhlík)
Prague National Theatre Chorus
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Milan Malý
Jan Hus Tichý
Bohumír Vích
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act I, Scene 8: "Now at last came our time!" (Jíra, poběhlík)
Prague National Theatre Chorus
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Milan Malý
Jan Hus Tichý
Bohumír Vích
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act I, Scene 9: "Help us, dear people, help us!" (Jíra, poběhlík, Ludiše, Volframova dcera)
Prague National Theatre Chorus
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Milan Malý
Jan Hus Tichý
Bohumír Vích
Milada Šubrtová
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act I, Scene 10: "Eh, your flight was in vain!" (Jan Tausendmark, mladý měšťan pražský, Varneman, setník Braniborů, Jíra, poběhlík, Ludiše, Volframova dcera, Vlčenka, Volframova dcera, Děčana, Volframova dcera)
Prague National Theatre Chorus
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Milan Malý
Jan Hus Tichý
Zdeněk Otava
Antonín Votava
Bohumír Vích
Milada Šubrtová
Miloslava Fidlerová
Věra Soukupová
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act I, Scene 11: "Retreat, rabble!" (Volfram Olbramovič, starosta pražský, Oldřich Rokycanský, rytíř, Junoš, mladý měšťan pražský, Jan Tausendmark, mladý měšťan pražský, Jíra, poběhlík)
Prague National Theatre Chorus
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Milan Malý
Jan Hus Tichý
Karel Kalaš
Jiří Joran
Ivo Žídek
Zdeněk Otava
Bohumír Vích
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act II, Scene 1: "Take leave from your homeland now" (Kmet)
Prague National Theatre Chorus
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Milan Malý
Jan Hus Tichý
Eduard Haken
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act II, Scene 2: "Stand still!" (Kmet, Varneman, setník Braniborů)
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Jan Hus Tichý
Eduard Haken
Antonín Votava
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act II, Scene 3: "An order of the Prince" (Varneman, setník Braniborů, Biřic)
Prague National Theatre Chorus
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Milan Malý
Jan Hus Tichý
Antonín Votava
Jindřich Jindrák
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act II, Scene 4: "Prosecutor! You are condemned!" (Volfram Olbramovič, starosta pražský, Jan Tausendmark, mladý měšťan pražský, Jíra, poběhlík)
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Jan Hus Tichý
Karel Kalaš
Zdeněk Otava
Bohumír Vích
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act II, Scene 4: "-" (Volfram Olbramovič, starosta pražský, Jíra, poběhlík)
Prague National Theatre Chorus
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Milan Malý
Jan Hus Tichý
Karel Kalaš
Bohumír Vích
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act II, Scene 5: "Refrain! You fathers of the town!" (Volfram Olbramovič, starosta pražský, Junoš, mladý měšťan pražský, Jan Tausendmark, mladý měšťan pražský)
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Jan Hus Tichý
Karel Kalaš
Ivo Žídek
Zdeněk Otava
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act II, Scene 6: "O, how lovely are the scenes of Nature!" (Ludiše, Volframova dcera, Vlčenka, Volframova dcera, Děčana, Volframova dcera)
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Jan Hus Tichý
Milada Šubrtová
Miloslava Fidlerová
Věra Soukupová
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act II, Scene 7: "Ah! Whose it this voice!" (Junoš, mladý měšťan pražský, Ludiše, Volframova dcera)
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Jan Hus Tichý
Ivo Žídek
Milada Šubrtová
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act II, Scene 8: "Now then my maiden" (Varneman, setník Braniborů, Ludiše, Volframova dcera, Vlčenka, Volframova dcera, Děčana, Volframova dcera)
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Jan Hus Tichý
Antonín Votava
Milada Šubrtová
Miloslava Fidlerová
Věra Soukupová
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act III, Scene 1: "You go home now" (Jan Tausendmark, mladý měšťan pražský, Varneman, setník Braniborů)
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Jan Hus Tichý
Zdeněk Otava
Antonín Votava
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act III, Scene 2: "Have You succeeded, dear Sir?" (Kmet, Jan Tausendmark, mladý měšťan pražský)
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Jan Hus Tichý
Eduard Haken
Zdeněk Otava
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act III, Scene 3: "O thanks to God, freedom is beckoning!" (Ludiše, Volframova dcera, Vlčenka, Volframova dcera, Děčana, Volframova dcera)
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Jan Hus Tichý
Milada Šubrtová
Miloslava Fidlerová
Věra Soukupová
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act III, Scene 4: "Keep silent, please!" (Kmet, Ludiše, Volframova dcera, Vlčenka, Volframova dcera, Děčana, Volframova dcera)
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Jan Hus Tichý
Eduard Haken
Milada Šubrtová
Miloslava Fidlerová
Věra Soukupová
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act III, Scene 5: "Who is shouting here?" (Varneman, setník Braniborů)
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Jan Hus Tichý
Antonín Votava
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act III, Scene 6: "The night is quiet, quiet and calm!" (Junoš, mladý měšťan pražský, Jíra, poběhlík)
Prague National Theatre Chorus
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Milan Malý
Jan Hus Tichý
Ivo Žídek
Bohumír Vích
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act III, Scene 7: "That is strange" (Kmet, Junoš, mladý měšťan pražský, Varneman, setník Braniborů, Jíra, poběhlík)
Prague National Theatre Chorus
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Milan Malý
Jan Hus Tichý
Eduard Haken
Ivo Žídek
Antonín Votava
Bohumír Vích
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act III, Scene 8: "Here you have him the murderer!" (Kmet, Junoš, mladý měšťan pražský, Jan Tausendmark, mladý měšťan pražský, Jíra, poběhlík, Ludiše, Volframova dcera, Vlčenka, Volframova dcera, Děčana, Volframova dcera)
Prague National Theatre Chorus
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Milan Malý
Jan Hus Tichý
Eduard Haken
Ivo Žídek
Zdeněk Otava
Bohumír Vích
Milada Šubrtová
Miloslava Fidlerová
Věra Soukupová
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, ., Act III, Scene 9: "We know now" (Volfram Olbramovič, starosta pražský)
Prague National Theatre Chorus
National Theatre Orchestra Prague
Milan Malý
Jan Hus Tichý
Karel Kalaš
Smetana: The Brandenburgers In Bohemia. Opera In 3 Acts
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