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    Marines are trained to familiarize themselves with weapons and learn to engage targets with vehicle-mounted weapons to effectively complete missions.
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    Camp Pendleton, CA - U.S. Marine Sgt. Us Chanthavixay coaches students in the table three course of fire during the Combat Leader’s Course aboard Camp Pendleton Calif., from June 13-24, 2016. Chanthavixay is an instructor at the Combat Skills Training School , 1st Marine Logistics Group. Combat Leader’s Course is an advanced combat skills course instructed by the CSTS, designed to teach Marines tactical leadership principles, machine gun functions, combat orders and various other skills. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Carson Gramley/released)
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    Jun 27, 2016 0 Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego - Sergeant Stephen M. Powers, drill instructor, Charlie Company, 1st Recruit Training Battalion, corrects a recruit for not following directions during pick up at Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, June 24. From this point forward, drill instructors will be with their recruits every day until graduation day and are responsible for transforming them from civilian to Marine. Annually, more than 17,000 males recruited from the Western Recruiting Region are trained at MCRD San Diego. Charlie Company is scheduled to graduate Sept. 16.
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    Jul 6, 2016
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    Jul 5, 2016
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    Противопартизанский рейд подразделения морской пехоты в Республике Вьетнам (войсковая операция «Джорджия», 1966 г.)
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    Штаб 2-го ЭКМП на территории в/ч КМП США «Кэмп-Леджен»
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