Girl: How long we need to fight? How many cars we need to burn?
Andriy Deshchytsia: Lets go together to Lugansk tomorrow and start killing russian invaders. I won't be killing my collegues diplomats.
Girl: We are not killing them.
Deshchytsia: Then what are you doing here?
Girl: Peacefull protest.
Deshchytsia: Okay then. Am I saying anything against the protest? I'm ready to stand here with you and to say: «Russia, hands off Ukraine!»
Girl: Putin...
Deshchytsia: Putin huylo! (dickhead)
*People start singing «Putin huylo la la la la la la»*
Deshchytsia: We are going to set a question to United Nations Security Council about our plane and about supplying arms from Russia.
Girl; Why now? Why not earlier?
Deshchytsia: We've been asking for twelve times already.
Girl: Why the president is not signing it for twelve times?