1 and No. 2 on our planet?! What awaits the Talmudists, the Palestinian Arabs and the Holy Land?!
Dear citizens of our democratic planet, after the Talmudic violation of the territorial integrity of the Soviet Union and its corresponding dissolution by the Talmudists, the United States of America, having the support of the military and geopolitical potential of NATO countries, was the number 1 country on our planet. In second place was China, which in terms of the volume of its economy shared first place with the USA. Nazi Russia, having lost the most powerful economy of the USSR, became an economically secondary country. Therefore, it focused on the development of the military-industrial complex and the improvement of the quality of nuclear weapons. After that, Russia started a war in Ukraine to return the economic resources and other geopolitical potential of the Soviet Union that existed in Ukraine, for the Talmudic Nazi political caste of Russia. At the same time, after the inauguration of businessman Donald Trump as President of the United States, in early 2025, a telephone conversation took place between him and the President of Russia, even before their official meeting, as a result of which they verbally divided our planetary world between themselves. As a result of such division of the world into spheres of influence, Russia and China practically began to share 1st place among the countries of our planet, the first country - in the military sphere, the second country - in the economic sphere, and the USA moved to second place. This publication presents reasoned evidence of this reality.
Part 1. What is freedom of religion, freedom of belief?!
US President Donald Trump has declared that he is introducing freedom of religion in the US, which has been guaranteed by the Constitution of this country long before him. Therefore, let us figure out what freedom of religion, freedom of belief objectively means? Until the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century AD, this meant freedom of existence of equally unproven religious concepts, regarding ideas about the world at large, God, Satan, and their polar opposite image of moral, legal, civilized or anarchic wild life of man and humanity. In other words, freedom of religion implied freedom of NOT real fantasies, falsifications or schizophrenic subjective ideas about God (in the form of an earthly man or some other subjects), who, in most cases, was endowed with the essence of Satan close to them, being that people themselves were carriers of the essence of unreasonable and anarchic beasts, since they were unable to spiritually rise above the animal and beast world. And all this contradicted the moral and legal content of the 10 Commandments of God, set out in the Holy Scripture, which no one can cancel due to their civilized truth, but which beast-like uncivilized people can violate qua Satanists.
However, in the 21st century it has already been proven, both theologically and scientifically, that the God of the Earth and the Universe has nothing to do with the man Jesus and his mother Mary, who were members of a satanic pharisaic sect and therefore violated the Commandments of the Most High, therefore they did not live the way of civilized life given to us by God in His Commandments. This sect consciously violated God's way of human life on our planet, in particular the 10 commandments of God, set out in the Holy Scripture. Jesus and Mary also had nothing to do with the king of Israel David, from whom the Messiah (Moshiach, Christ, Mahdi) was to be born. And this is natural, since the Jewish genetics of the King of Israel David is not physically transmitted through the female line. Thus, it has already been 100% proven that the representatives of different nations, who were united, first in the Pharisaic sect, and then in Talmudism, and who falsely call themselves the Jewish people, have no genetic relation to the real Jewish people, to the people who were chosen by God in their time. They also have no relation to the moral and legal Judaic religion, based on the Commandments of God. In other words, in the 21st century AD, among mankind, there has already been a 100% accurate division of God and Satan, both by their essential content and by their moral and ethical indicators, which Satanists simply do not have, and that is why they groundlessly and without evidence try to pass off immorality, falsely and fraudulently, as morality, and want to absurdly pass off Satanism as divinity. At the same time, it is also known that lies and fraud are a criminal offense, not only according to the Commandments of God, but they are also such according to the Criminal Code of many countries of the world.
Freedom of religion in the 21st century means freedom of religious ideas adequate to fundamental theological data and realities of the existing real world. And lies and frauds regarding this are either a criminal offense committed by church and state workers who, through such lies and fraud, deceive people and extort money from them, or are subject to treatment in a psychiatric hospital with a diagnosis of pseudology. That is why it has already been clearly established that all types of Christianity, headed by the Talmudists, are Satanists who have neither the moral nor the legal right to speak on behalf of the Jewish people, the Judaic religion, and, of course, they have no right to speak on behalf of God. Moreover, they have no right to occupation the Holy Land, to which they have no historical or religious relationship, except in the status of Satanic invaders. As I have said before, such a negative reality for the Talmudists of Israel can change only in one case, if they renounce satanic brutality and accept spiritual baptism with the content of the 10 Commandments of God, through which they will become people, and from them will no longer emanate a beastly threat to other people. Otherwise, at a certain time, the northern eagle will fly against their Satanism, and the wind from its immense wings of truth will scatter the Talmudists throughout the land, cleansing the Holy Land of their immoral impurities and snake venom.
Part 2. Why has the balance between the world's leading countries changed on our planet?! What awaits the Talmudists and the Holy Land?!
Since his inauguration, US President Donald Trump, knowing that the US is militarily inferior to Russia's nuclear potential by quality, has begun to talk intensely about his desire to buy or conquer Greenland, the Panama Canal, and even the territory of the Gaza Strip. Why is he doing this, when he understands perfectly well the illegal and unfair nature of such aspirations? The answer to this question is obvious. He foresees the possibility of Nazi Russia's claims to the territory of Alaska, which is currently part of the US. Therefore, when this time comes, Donald Trump will be able to try to justify the fact of his selling Alaska to Vladimir Putin to the Americans, saying that in politics everything can be bought and sold. However, only businessmen think so, but not the rest of humanity. It is noteworthy that billionaire Elon Musk, who came to power together with Donald Trump, began to destroy the foreign policy activity of USAID, which was one of the main demands of authoritarian Russia, since this organization tried to establish democracy in the world, including in Russia. At the same time, I would like to emphasize that constitutional democracy has nothing to do with the unconstitutional imposition of homosexual and other mental perversions on society at the state level. But the uneducated Elon Musk falsely calls USAID a leftist organization, while, during the time of US President Joe Kennedy, this organization was created precisely against leftist political forces, against the communist Soviet Union. He does this deliberately, because the criminal Talmudists in state government no longer want to observe democratic values even for the nation in their countries, do not want to take into account human and civil rights, do not want to practice the rule of law. In general, having such a political reality, as well as large military expenditures, both in Ukraine and in the Middle East, US President Donald Trump initiated a telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin. During this conversation, Donald Trump not only agreed with Vladimir Putin in everything, but he practically offered him a division of spheres of influence on the planet. Thus, Trump ceded Ukraine to Vladimir Putin, and even all of Europe, to which he illogically assigned the responsibility of ensuring security for Ukraine from Russia, which is impossible to do without the nuclear potential of the United States. At the same time, Donald Trump himself wants to receive valuable minerals and fossils from Ukraine worth 500 billion dollars, this is the money that Putin will receive if he annexes all of Ukraine to Russia. In practice, Donald Trump agreed with Putin's desire to restore the Russian empire, and he even openly stated this, saying that Ukraine could become part of Russia. Thus, this is a signal for the post-Soviet countries to show wisdom and, if offered, agree to restore the Union State with Russia, in which they will retain equality and their national and state sovereignty, as it was in the USSR, which is much better than becoming part of the Russian Empire, or being conquered, and losing everything. In return, Donald Trump asked Vladimir Putin to have freedom of action in relation to Canada, and also to allow him to solve the problem of the Talmudists of Israel with the Arab world in his own way, in the interests of the Talmudists of the whole world, without taking into account the interests of the aboriginal Arab world itself. And this means the wild expulsion of the Arab population of the Gaza Strip to the territory of other states, that is, their expulsion from their historical Homeland, and the settlement of these territories by Satanic Talmudists from all over the world, for whom the Holy Land is a foreign land, both in the genetic aspect and in the moral and ethical understanding. Donald Trump expressed a desire to buy the land of Gaza and dispose of it as I have already described. Unfortunately, Talmudist Vladimir Putin agreed with this, but asked Trump not to talk about it. Moreover, this satanic idea naturally comes from the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, who is a very stupid person if he thinks that after such a complete occupation of the Holy Land by Talmudic Satanists, peace will come to this Land. I always knew that he is not smart, but I did not assume that he would consider the beginning of the conflict, which he himself initiated before the President of the United States, as the end of the conflict. Now I will prove why this is exactly so, and not as the Talmudists Benjamin Netanyahu, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin assume, who overestimate their Talmudic capabilities in the countries in which they rule.
If the Arab population of the Gaza Strip, if the Palestinians are evicted from their historical homeland, and the Holy Land is completely occupied by foreign Talmudists-Satanists, then the entire Muslim world on our planet will unite against Israel, which has never happened before in the history of mankind. The Muslim population of the United States will oppose Donald Trump, which, by the way, brought him to presidential power at the end of 2024. In Russia, the entire Muslim population of the Russian Federation will unite against Vladimir Putin. The Muslim world will unite against Vladimir Putin also within the framework of international organizations CIS, CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization), BRICS. The European Union, already certainly knowing that Donald Trump left it alone with Nazi Russia, will also support Muslim Protestants, because the nuclear potential of France and England will not be able to stop the expansionist, encroacher ambitions of Vladimir Putin, whose nuclear potential can destroy all of Europe. After that, Benjamin Netanyahu, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin will begin to have big problems on the territory of their own countries. At the same time, knowing the practical mind of Vladimir Putin, as well as his knowledge of the falsity and groundlessness of Talmudic political realities, which already make Talmudism useless, he can not only side with the Muslims (to avoid turmoil and the collapse of the Russian Federation), but even take military part in protecting the interests of the Arab population in Palestine, led by Muslim Chechen special forces, which has the genetics of Abraham and Jacob, that is, the genetics of the real Jewish people (J2a). This is logical and natural, after the end of the war in Ukraine. Therefore, I call upon the Muslim world to avoid impulsive and emotional actions, Muslims must think deeply about all their actions and make reasonable decisions only when the victory of justice and morality is planned and already obvious to them. At the same time, it is necessary to prepare for the worst case scenario without contact, in order to live in the conditions of the best case scenario. And also, Muslims will also need to accept spiritual baptism from Allah, they will also have to live in a civilized manner, according to the moral and legal Commandments of God, set out in the Holy Scripture.
Dear citizens, up to now I have set forth human actions in response to the satanic actions of the Talmudists against the descendants of Abraham. Now I will set forth theological realities in relation to the political realities set forth. The Holy Land is the land of God's chosen people, it is the Land of the Spiritual Temple of God, on which, historically, no nation of the world that did not conform to God's way of life has lingered long. The existence of Talmudic "Israel" on this territory, from a historical point of view, is only momentary, second. Not only Talmudists, but even Arabs have no right to sell the Holy Land to Donald Trump, Elon Musk, or anyone else. In the same way, no one has the right to buy the Holy Land. Only a people who live in the divine way of moral and legal civilized life, who have as their God - the God of the Universe, and not a wild antichrist and Satan, have the right to live on this land. Therefore, if Talmudists Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump continue their satanic activities, then they will be fighting against God, who will justly condemn them. Let me remind Donald Trump that, as he himself says, he was saved by God, who is the God of the Universe, but not by man, not by the pharisaical Jesus, who was long ago eaten by worms in the bowels of the earth.
P.S. At the moment, the oral agreements between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin have a Talmudic content, they do not aim to establish an honest, fair, decent and benevolent world order. Although, it is possible that under the saving influence of God, including through my competent publications, they will turn into humane, reasonable ones. In this case, they will no longer think about the development of the Arctic, in the conditions of climate change that is harmful to humanity, due to the destruction of the Earth's protective ozone layer, but about its restoration and the cessation of the melting of glaciers in the Arctic. Yes, Talmudic fascism (Satanism) is an existential threat to all of humanity. Therefore, everyone needs to come to oneself from the snake-like hypnotic Talmudic numbness, including Christians, Buddhists, communists, Hindus, Muslims, in general, all of humanity needs to wake up and begin active work to achieve constitutional freedom, equality, and legality. We need to start acting to prevent the causes that destroy the climatic possibilities existence of person and human on our planet, without this, humanity will die out, perish.
It is noteworthy that some ignorant politicians in Georgia believe that I am doing the work not of Georgia, but of some abstract other countries on the planet. Why? Because they have no education, they are wild and mentally retarded, which is why they cannot understand that my activity is also aimed at saving their descendants, despite the fact that many of them do not deserve it. Without this activity, Georgia will not exist.
Professor David Ben Melech (Abaev-Jirkvalidze), a real descendant of the King of Israel David.
Georgia, Gori, February 9, 2025.
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