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**Addict Woman Hooks Up With Random Men For Pleasure** follows the turbulent life of Jenna, a woman struggling with a deep-seated addiction to thrill-seeking and physic...
Eva and Tom, 21 years her junior, meet on a business trip, spend the night, then part. Soon he shows up and wants to live with her. But she fears a relationship with a professional gambler mi...
**Title: Braids of Life** **Description:** "Braids of Life" is an evocative drama that explores the intricate connections between family, culture, and identity. The film follows Maya, a talen...
**Title:** Sorrow (2015) **Description:** "Sorrow" is a provocative French erotic film that delves into the depths of desire, pain, and the complexities of human relationships. Set against a ...
Sign of Rome** is an epic historical Hollywood film that transports viewers to ancient Rome, weaving a captivating tale of power, betrayal, and love. Set against the backdrop of the mighty Roman Empire...