Why does Vladimir Putin, wanting to see Donald Trump as the President of the United States, lie that allegedly he would like to see Joe Biden or someone from Democratic Party as the President of the United States? Why does Vladimir Putin want to destroy the real concept of God?
1). What is the real content of the Talmudic Kremlin's propaganda campaign in the United States of America? Statement of the fact that Vladimir Putin has been diagnosed with a mental illness of inadequacy.
Vladimir Putin, who is one of those who destroyed the Soviet Union and revived Hitler's Nazi (nationalist) policy in the post-Soviet space, has decided to bring Nazis to power in all countries of our planet, as he has already done in the USSR and in the post-Soviet space. In this way, he hopes to divide peoples and, playing on this emotional national confrontation, Talmudic rule the world, seize foreign wealth and territories. Thus, it is natural that the Nazis also came to power in Ukraine, and this is what Putin needed. And as soon as they began to pursue a nationalist policy in Ukraine, exactly the same policy that Putin himself nationalistically pursued in the Russian Federation in relation to Chechnya (Ichkeria), Putin accused Ukraine of Nazism and won back Crimea and the eastern territories, rich in natural resources and developed heavy industry. However, Putin forgot that he himself accused NATO countries of allegedly were provoking Chechnya to secede. At the same time, the fact is that Crimea, Donbass, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson were provoked to secede from Ukraine by Putin himself. Did Vladimir Putin really admit that he is an agent of NATO countries?! In addition, Putin declared a Nazi war on the Anglo-Saxons, as he himself Nazily expresses himself, on behalf of the Russian world. Even the cock leader of the "communists" of Russia, Gennady Zyuganov, who should be devoted to communist internationalism, is in fact devoted only to Talmudic Nazism, which is why he also fights against the Anglo-Saxons in Europe, as well as the Slavs in Ukraine.
In 2024, the Nazi policy of Russian President Vladimir Putin was liked by the majority of the German people, who missed Hitler's Nazism. Therefore, the German people brought to power in the Supreme Legislative Body of Germany Nazis who advocate normalization of relations with the invader Putin and recognition of the legitimate territories of Ukraine occupied by him, that is, the fact of annexation of the captured territories of another country to Russia.
In the same year 2024, Vladimir Putin, who wants to return rich Alaska, a modern US territory, to Russia, decided to make businessman and racist Donald Trump President in order to buy this territory from him by concluding a profitable deal. To this end, all Russian media began to work to exalt the authority of Donald Trump and discriminate against his competitors, first Joe Biden and then Kamala Harris. At the same time, in order to completely ruin the credibility of the racist Donald Trump's competitors, Putin jokingly and falsely told journalists that allegedly he would like Joe Biden or Kamala Harris to become US President. Why did he do this? Because by doing so he gave his protégé Donald Trump the opportunity to falsely call Kamala Harris Putin's woman. But the racist Donald Trump did not stop there. He started calling Kamala Harris comrade, believing that he was insulting her. In fact, Donald Trump's ancestors, who were Talmudic, were at the very bottom of the social strata of humanity. That is why they fought for the establishment of equality and benevolent camaraderie in society and the state. But after the Talmudists came to state power, they themselves began to destroy equality and comradeship between people and nations, since according to the Talmud, their goal is to be the elite of humanity, and all other peoples of the planet should be their servants, slaves, satisfy the physiological needs of the Talmudists and be the property of the Talmudists, like livestock. This also applies to the American people. That is why Donald Trump believes that the word comrade is already offensive, since it symbolizes equality, although Talmudism could not create anything better than this word in its caste history. In other words, Donald Trump believes that the essence of a wild animal, without observing morality and the law, which he personally possesses, is better than the human essence expressed in the word comrade, which is guided by morality and the law, and also lawfully hunts animals so that a prosperous and safe human life can be established on our planet.
Vladimir Putin, seeing that Kamala Harris was still winning the presidential election over the racist Donald Trump, announced the 2024 naval exercises, called "Ocean". He began to conduct these exercises in the Black, Mediterranean, Baltic, Barents Seas, and even off the coast of the United States - Alaska. Putin demonstrated the military power of nuclear weapons and said that he was supposedly invincible. Seeing all this on TV, a certain citizen of the Russian Federation, a descendant of the 12 tribes of Jacob, who assimilated among the Caucasian peoples, an elderly Caucasian, came to the Kremlin to see Vladimir Putin and said to him: "Vladimir, what are you proud of, you moron?! That in the event of a nuclear war started by you, the Russian Federation will be destroyed, along with all the peoples inhabiting it?!" Putin answered the gray-bearded old man: "I have a hypersonic advantage!" "Yes, indeed, you are a moron," exclaimed the wise old man. Firstly, your hypersonic advantage is reduced to nothing by the presence of aircraft and submarines of the US, invisible to your radars, which carry the same nuclear weapons. Secondly, they also already have hypersonic weapons. Thirdly, all the shot down NATO nuclear missiles and bombs over Russian territory do not evaporate anywhere, their deadly radiation covers Russian cities and villages. Therefore, even if you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, had some imaginary advantage over the West, it would have no significance for the outcome of a nuclear war, since Russia and the Russian people would in any case be destroyed, along with the rest of humanity, both as a result of the global nuclear war itself and as a result of the ecological changes on our planet that would accelerate as a result of such a war, leaving humanity without oxygen."
The uneducated and stupid Vladimir Putin scratched his head, thought for a moment, and then said: "But I can cause not a global nuclear war, but only a local one, for example, to conquer Ukraine and Europe?!" The old man from the Caucasus sighed and said to him: "Yeah, if a person is a fool from birth, then this reality will not change! What's the point of your local nuclear war if as a result of it the territories of Ukraine, Europe, Belarus and all of Eastern Russia will no longer be suitable for habitation and economic activity?! Moreover, a local nuclear war will also accelerate those climate changes on our planet, which will ultimately destroy both all the peoples of Russia and all of humanity. Based on all this, it seems to me that you are Satan, who has appeared to us in human flesh, you are the enemy of the human race, disappear unclean!"
2). The decision of the International Military Tribunal regarding war crimes committed as a result of Vladimir Putin’s war of occupation in Ukraine.
In general, the Supreme Court and the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation filed an official complaint with the Military Tribunal of the International Court of Justice to prosecute the political and military leaders of Ukraine for the war crimes they committed in the Donbas and Luhansk Autonomous Republics, as well as in the Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions of Ukraine. Well, in accordance with the relevant international agreements, the Prosecutor and Judge of the International Military Tribunal arrived in Moscow. At the steps of the plane, on the red carpet, they were personally met by Russian President Vladimir Putin, behind whom the Prosecutors of Donbass, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson slouched with fat folders in their hands. Putin took all the guests to his Presidential House, fed them, gave them something to drink. Believing that they were already tipsy, Putin called over the Prosecutors of the eastern territories of Ukraine annexed by Russia and told them to present evidence of war crimes by the political and military leadership of Ukraine. Vladimir Putin's Talmudic Prosecutors began to fuss, started digging through their folders and taking out some written sheets of paper. However, the Prosecutor and Judge of the International Military Tribunal stopped them saying: "What are you trying to foist on us? The whole world has long known that since 1953, the Talmudic Prosecutor's Office and the Judicial Authorities of the USSR and Russia professionally falsified all criminal and military cases, acquitted the guilty, and punished the victims, making big money on this, even criminals were amnestied for this purpose. The same thing is happening with you now, such is your Talmudic system of government. So put away your meaningless papers, sit down next to us on the sofa and together let's listen to the public and state opinion of the Russian Federation regarding the war crimes of the Ukrainians. The prosecutors and judges of the occupied regions sat down on the sofa next to the President, the Prosecutor and the Judge of the International Tribunal, who turned on the TV and the News on Channel 1 of Russian Television. And what do they hear?! TV presenters, announcers and journalists, as well as representatives of the Russian Ministry of Defense, all say that in one day Russian troops killed 1,500-2,000 Ukrainian soldiers and officers, burned several energy facilities, destroyed 45 units of military equipment, destroyed 250 thousand Ukrainians in half a year, and not a single Russian soldier or officer died. Russian journalists say that 1 or 2 people were killed by fragments of a missile shot down by Russian air defense, because they did not think to shoot it down in a place safe for people. The Prosecutor and the Judge of the International Military Tribunal switched the TV to another channel, but they say the same thing. They switched to the third, fourth, tenth, fifteenth channel, and everywhere they say that Russian troops are killing thousands of Ukrainians, but Ukrainian troops have not killed a single Russian soldier or officer. Therefore, the Prosecutor and the Judge of the International Military Tribunal made the only possible decision for such a case: Since the Ukrainian people are being destroyed on Ukrainian soil by Russian troops, and not vice versa, then bring the Minister of Defense, the Chief of the General Staff and the President of Russia to criminal responsibility for the war crimes they are committing, and immediately put handcuffs on them.
3) The Talmudists of the Kremlin and Russia deliberately spoke out against the moral and legal Holy Scripture (Torah, Taurat), humanity, and also against the God of the Universe and the Earth.
Russian President Vladimir Putin announced to the world that he was allegedly fighting against Satanism. At the same time, at the BRICS summit, he declared that he was in favor of freedom of religion. The summit participants corrected him, that is, reminded him that the Constitutions of most countries in the world have such recognition of the rights to religion, so there is nothing new in Putin's proposal. At this summit, somehow, there was a genetic descendant of Abraham and Jacob (a Jew), who was in the civilized religion of the God of the Universe, so he entered into a polemic with the uneducated and obscurantist Vladimir Putin. The Jew told Putin that freedom of religion means freedom of choice between God and Satan, that is, the choice between civilized, moral and legal human activity, on the one hand, and wild, brutal, immoral and criminal activity, like wild animals, on the other hand. This has always been the case in the history of the mentally adequate part of humanity, - the Jew continued. But by the concept of "free religion" you mean freedom of lies and fraud, the truthfulness and reality of which you are unable to prove, because it is a lie. For example, you may believe that you have a cucumber stuck in your ass that is not in your ass, but you think that you have the right to such a belief. The content of the Christian religion, regarding the personalities of Jesus and Mary, has exactly this 100% false content, which is used by the Talmudists for the sole purpose of spiritually legitimizing their criminal political activity. And in psychiatry, such a tendency to chronic lies is called pseudology or schizophrenia and requires psychiatric treatment, and not being in the presidential office with such a false language and inadequate perception of reality. In the criminal code, this is called the creation of an organized criminal group. In other words, the Jew continued to preach, you Satanists cannot fight against world Satanism in any way, since you yourselves are its bearers, since you worship the immoral Antichrist, the servant of Satan, whom you falsely call God, but you cannot substantiate and prove the truth of this criminal schizophrenia of yours, neither theologically nor scientifically. The hypnotic fantastic delirium of mentally ill people is also not proof of eternal life, by any criteria of reality. In order for you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, to become a fighter against Satanism, you must worship the moral and legal God of the Universe, and not the depraved anarchist Jesus, - the Jew concluded.
Vladimir Putin listened to the Jew, then called over TV presenter Andrei Malakhov and told him that he had a certain journalist Vasya-Vasilisa in his FSB service, who could play the role of an astrologer and destroy people's faith in God, in paradise and universal prosperity, so that the Talmudists could retain everything they had stolen from the peoples of the USSR and the Russian Federation, as well as the right to criminally rule over Russians, over the Russian world. And indeed, this Vasya appeared on Andrey Malakhov's TV show and declared that since in the initial stages of the evolutionary development of humanity, from a wild creature to a rational person, in the ancient and middle ages there was no equality, brotherhood, common good, well-being and material well-being, then in the future the Talmudists will artificially maintain such injustice and atrocity in order to reign over the humanity enslaved by them instead of God. And for this purpose, she, Vasilisa, tries to nullify the predictions of the Prophets of the Holy Scripture, and also abolishes both the promises of God given to humanity on this issue, as well as God himself, as the Talmudists have already tried to do in their satanic book, the Talmud. Well, well, Talmudists, be careful not to choke when you "devour" God. Idiots!!!!!!!
4). The confrontation between the creeping slimy Boa constrictor, from the damp gorge, and the mountain winged Eagle, from the radiant skies.
As is well known, Russian businessman Bidzina Ivanishvili, while living in Russia, had the nickname Boa Constrictor. He earned this nickname because he strangled his competitors from all sides, using all legitimate and illegitimate methods until they gave in, gave him their property, and obeyed him. It was precisely because of these inhuman and criminal abilities that the Russian FSB parachuted Bidzina Ivanishvili into Georgia, who not only took state power away from the pro-Western Mikhail Saakashvili, but also imprisoned him for the fact that, while President, Saakashvili bought gifts for the Presidents of other countries with budget money and gave them to them, and also bought suits for himself. Thus, "Boa" won his first snake victory in Georgia (in Iberia). But Putin's FSB was not satisfied with this. Since Georgia was home to freedom-loving and proud people, like eagles, who spoke the legitimate truth, the FSB ordered Bidzina Ivanishvili, as well as its branch in Georgia - the MGB, to shut up the truth-lovers, unconstitutionally, that is, criminally, to close their opportunity to speak the truth even on the Internet, since all other state and public mass media were already closed to them. In other words, the computer department of the Georgian MGB was given a criminal order to engage cybercrime. Russian President Vladimir Putin, confident in the boa constrictor's executive abilities of Bidzina Ivanishvili, came to Georgia in 2024 on a Talmudic visit, as if to his colony, believing that all the possibilities of the Internet for Georgia's truth-lovers were already closed. Vladimir Putin was met at the airport by Bidzina Ivanishvili himself, or Borka, as Putin condescendingly called him, and Ivanishvili began showing him the renovated capital of Georgia. They walked past the Parliament building in Tbilisi, past the Government building, the Presidential Palace - everything was quiet and calm, just like in Moscow on Red Square. This, of course, pleased Putin, who wanted Georgia to be unquestioningly subordinate to the Talmudists. They went on. Suddenly, some groans, incomprehensible sighs and exclamations began to reach them near some new solid building. Putin asks Borka Ivanishvili in surprise, have you already legalized brothels? No, - Borka answers him in fear, flushed. Well, thank Satan, Putin sighed with relief, otherwise you would have taken away the black money of the Talmudists, which they freely receive without the tax press from the state budget. Then where are these groans coming from, what kind of building is this? This is the building of the MGB, that is, this is the building of a branch of your FSB, Ivanishvili answers him, bowing. Now I'll find out what's going on there. Putin and Ivanishvili approached the building, after which Ivanishvili asked the guard: "Why are there moaning sounds coming from your building, like from a brothel?" The guard laughed and answered them: "These sounds are coming from the computer department. The other day I went into the computer department to find out what was going on and saw all the employees standing at their computers, bent over like the Russian letter "G", with their eyes rolled up and who moaned sexually.. And on the screens of their computers, their own images were visible, to which the truth-seekers had settled in from behind and were having fun with passion, like on a swing. And this at a time when they were ordered to block the truth-seekers' computers. You see, the IT guys in this department were given an illegal order to block the Internet of those truth-seekers who, like eagles, fly freely in the sky and tell the world the objective truth that they see from the sky. However, when the IT guys try to block the truth-seekers, the truth-seekers themselves swoop down on them like mountain eagles on boas, passionately fuck their, and fly away again into the free sky. Here Putin says to the security guard, can you explain in human language what's going on, because I don't understand anything?! The guard answers him, - yes, our computer guys are blocked by the truth-lovers themselves, that is, they bend them over and have them as they want. That is why we hear the voices of their sexual moans, like from a brothel."
And the moral of this story is that the all-powerful boa constrictor against pig farms in Russia is absolutely helpless in the land of mountain eagles, who swiftly attack the boas, grab them with their powerful claws, lift them high into the sky, and then drop them without a parachute, and the boas fall to the ground like a stone. After that, only a wet spot, nothing but shit, remains of the Talmudic boas.
5) How can one obtain the title of Hero of Nazi Russia?
The President of South Ossetia, Alan Gagloev, arrives in Moscow, admires the small Red Square, planning to whip up the same in Tskhinvali, since the Ossetians lost the capital of their Motherland - the USSR, the Moscow, and then enters the Kremlin. The Kremlin security asks him: "Have you signed up for an appointment with the newly-minted Talmudic Khan of the Kremlin, who for some reason in the West is called the elected President?" Yes, of course, Gagloev replies, we humbly submitted an application for an appointment three days ago. The guard checked everything, rechecked it, and let him through. Alan Gagloev enters Vladimir Putin's reception apartments, bows low at his feet, and asks Putin to award the title Hero of Russia to one of the dead citizens of South Ossetia who fought in the occupation war in Ukraine. Vladimir Putin sat on the rug, tucking his legs under him, and looking slyly at Gagloev, asks him: "Tell me, my dear fellow, how did your hero die?" Alan Gagloev perked up and began to heatedly tell how the highlander snatched the state flag of South Ossetia from his pocket and rushed at the advancing enemy. The advancing Ukrainians were distracted by him, and all his fellow soldiers, without losses, were able to escape from the encirclement. Vladimir Putin suspiciously narrowed his small eyes, like Genghis Khan, and asked him: "Did I hear correctly that your hero snatched the flag of Ossetia from his pocket, and not the Vlasov fascist flag, which now flutters over the Kremlin of Talmudic Russia?" "Yes, that's right," the embarrassed Gagloev answers. Vladimir Putin gets to his feet, approaches Alan Gagloev, claps him on the shoulder, and whispers, hissing, "So he is a hero of South Ossetia, and not of Vlasov's Russia, so you, the President of South Ossetia, should give him this title, and not us. Although, frankly speaking, I don't understand what benefit South Ossetia gets from the eastern territories of Ukraine joining Russia, why should they die for this, after all, they are joining Russia, and not South Ossetia?! The same applies to North Korea."
Professor David Ben Melech (Abaev-Jirkvalidze), a real descendant of the King of Israel David.
Georgia, Gori, October 17, 2024.
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