Movie Guide: The Golden Years - 1968 – The Lion in Winter
Sixth recommendation in this, so multifaceted, year 1968. And so, as we have previously touched the chopsticks of: "
science fiction" and even the Oscar-winning "
musicals", today we are going to give another turn of the screw, for this time, direct our steps to a new genre, in this case "
historical drama" and of which we will make two deliveries.
And the first, which is what happens to us today, focuses on what would be the reunion of a certainly peculiar family. And it is that, located in Christmas 1183, (come on, in the middle of the Middle Ages) the King of England, Henry II gathers his family in the castle of Chinon, with one purpose, to announce which of his children will be his successor: Richard (Lion heart), Geoffrey or Juan (Landless).
So, and extrapolating it to today, we could well find ourselves at a Christmas gathering, like that family that we all love, of course, with those dear brothers-in-law who do nothing but screw it up. And, therefore, bridging the gap, let's go back to the Middle Ages, in order to observe, as a mere spectator, the intelligent and fearsome Leonor de Aquitaine, wife of Henry II. And she that she has been in the castle, neither more nor less than, ten years imprisoned by her husband, for conspiring against him.
Well, with this argument and, before an exhibition in the interpretative maturity of the most Oscar-winning actress in the history of Cinema,
Katharine Hepburn I leave you this recommendation. By the way, work for which, shared with our protagonist from last week,
Barbra Streisand for "
Funny Girl", helped good Katharine to get her penultimate Oscar for best leading actress.
And it is that as you already know, for mentioned, with this "
Lion in Winter" we find a historical drama, in the purest style "
A man for eternity " that, only two years before, in 1967, had obtained the most desired awards: the Oscar and the Golden Globe for best film. Thus, with this "
The Lion in Winter" we have a British film produced by the production company
Embassy Pictures Corporation, and with a film, that of trying to reverberate the awards of its predecessor and which, in fact, although not entirely achieved, well, very even, in note, and box office, with a note of, a 7.4, and a budget of $10M and a box office of $22.3M, in addition to the nomination of the film, for the Oscar for best film, it got the Golden Globe in the same section. And it is that it is seen that the English had it very well learned and, in fact, they followed the saying that says: "
if something works, do not touch it"
And it is that, starting with the good old Y after this dissertation on the film itself, let's talk about its direction and, for this purpose in itself, surprisingly, they did not look for one of the most awarded directors on the world scene, but for a Let's say a minor director, and that despite his long career, most of it was directed by other more notorious directors, such as the American director living in England,
Stanley Kubrick. The name of our hidden London director is:
Anthony Harvey and, of course, with this "
Lion in Winter" he achieved his greatest achievement, being nominated for both an Oscar and a Golden Globe for best director.
But if this "
The Lion in Winter" should be highlighted for something, it is because of its interpretive character, and that is that, in addition to the appearance of British (rather Welsh) and, ultimately, great actors, before the duo
Peter O'Toole and
Katharine Hepburn, as we said, we find ourselves before an interpretive exhibition that, as is logical, was amply rewarded by performing arts academies. Now, let's check how.
And to unravel the enigma, as with someone you have to start, this time we are going to start with the gentleman. And it is that, taking advantage of this occasion, we are going to run into, with the actor who, curiously, has played the same character twice. The character, Henry II? , British actor and born in Leeds,
Peter O'Toole. And the movies? "
Becket" in 1962, for which he earned an Oscar nomination and a Golden Globe for Best Male Performer. And, the second, four years later, for this "
The Lion in Winter" for which, curiously, he was also awarded the same decorations as in his previous performance: an Oscar nomination and the Golden Globe for best male performer.
Therefore, it could be said of this Enrique II that he is a character for an actor, of course, with the exception of, in 1962, the role of his life, with his occlusion by, "
Lawrence of Arabia " where, he could only get the Oscar and Golden Globe nomination for best male performer and, in 1969 for the romantic musical "
Goodbye, Mr. Chips" and for which, apart from a new Oscar nomination, he obtained his third Golden Globe, in the category for best musical actor. In summary and apart from his roles, we find ourselves: with the most important actor of the 60's but who, although he has been regularly nominated for the Oscar for best leading actor, as many as 7, does not have in his showcases, not a single golden statuette. "
Oh, things from the Academy" Well, yes, at least the good old
Peter O'Toole has 3 Golden Globes, so: "
take away the dance"
And then, as we mentioned at the beginning of this recommendation, comes the intelligent and fearsome
Eleanor of Aquitaine, wife of Henry II and who, as I told you, was played by the American actress, and born in Hartford, Connecticut,
Katharine Hepburn. And that, as you already know, with four golden statuettes, make this woman the actress who, to date and in the history of cinema, has won the most Oscars in the category of leading actress.
And it is that, if you remember correctly, after her overwhelming appearance for our previously recommended "
Little Women " from 1933, in the same year, after the first Oscar that she achieved for best female performance, for our already recommended "
Morning Glory " he had to wait, neither more nor less than, 7 nominations and, 34 years, to get his second statuette. Year, 1967 and the movie that led to it: "
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner "
A lifetime then, leaving emblematic films aside, but which, despite being in all of them, nominated for best leading actress, was nevertheless not awarded. Her titles and I'm going to give you just three examples? "
Hold on to the machos": 1940 - "
The Philadelphia Story ", 1951 "
The African Queen" and, in 1959 - "
Suddenly, Last Summer".
So, disappointments that any mortal would have knocked down. But deep down, disappointments that, to this exaggeratedly skinny woman, nevertheless did not discourage her. And in the most mature part of his career, after his Oscar that, as we have commented, he got in 1967, "
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner ", the following year, 1968, and with the spirit of continuation, he got it again for this "
The Lion in Winter". A whole Oscar for best leading actress that rewarded her acting career. In addition to the Golden Globe nomination in the same section. And so, we ended, in 1981 with "
On Golden Pond" and once again a repetition of the previous event to which she was invited: an Oscar for best leading actress and a Golden Globe nomination for best leading actress. "
Quite a run, huh?" And it is that, to say:
Katharine Hepburn is practically to date her career, in the duration of the most golden age in the History of Cinema. "
Why yes?"
And so, having developed this long section on the cinematographic career of two great geniuses
Peter O'Toole and
Katharine Hepburn, without much more to say, we are going to close the interpretive section, with two curious facts that are worth mentioning. And it is that in a film, in addition to being British, so interpretive, we cannot miss the opportunity, without mentioning two of the three supporting actors who accompanied this exceptional duo.
And it is that, apart from the actor
Nigel Terry, who had a let's say mediocre career, we find him, on our list, the next supporting actor and with whom I am going to propose a game.
And it is that, if in this 1968 and in this "
The Lion in Winter" we find his first important role, the actor in question and to be more specific, Wales, despite a poor career in the 70's, and acceptable in the 80's, we have to wait for the 90's for his name to be really known. And with such a long career, you still don't know who he is? Ok, one more clue, and that is that with such an extensive career and difficult to list, I am going to make an effort to, by listing some of the films in which he has participated, you discover who our enigmatic character is: 1980 - "
The Elephant Man" and 1984 - "
The Bounty"
And the 90's arrive, and occlusion of our hidden actor with, for me, his best performance, the year 1991 and the name of the movie "
The Silence of the Lambs", a role in which he played
Dr. Hannibal Lecter and for the who got the well-deserved Oscar for best leading actor and, in addition, the Golden Globe nomination for the same category. And after this "
silence" we continue with British titles such as: 1992 - "
Howards End" and, above all, in 1993 for "
The Remains of the Day", once again obtaining an Oscar and Golden Globe nomination for best leading actor . To end now, very mature, in 1998 and the romantic - "
Meet Joe Black?"
What, do you already know the name of our enigmatic character? Well, of course, for us, the great Sir
Anthony Hopkins.And finally, we have the third, a supporting actor in the running and who, like
Anthony Hopkins being Welsh by birth, let's say he also has a notable career. Although in his case, in the role of gallant, well with movie titles like: in this one from 1968 "
The Lion in Winter" where he made his film debut, in 1970 - "
Cromwell" and in the same year, his first leading role for a new revival of the well-known "
Wuthering Heights" To continue in 1971 with historical-medieval roles with "
Mary, Queen of Scots" and end up, neither more nor less, than being a "
full-fledged James Bond" when interpreting in 1987 - "
The Living Daylights"
And with these clues, you already know who our hidden actor is. Well yes, from Welshman
Timothy Dalton. Which serves as the perfect host to close this section on interpretation, only pointing out that, as a supporting actress, we have the British actress
Jane Merrow who, for her role, obtained a Golden Globe nomination for best supporting actress.
On the other hand, we have the technical aspects of this "
The Lion in Winter", and from this I can tell you that it was born from a work of the same name and, written for the theater, by the American screenwriter and playwright
James Goldman who, in turn, wrote the script for this "
Lion in Winter" and for which he was awarded, with the Oscar for best adapted screenplay. In addition to being nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Screenplay.
And to finish, we are going to look at its soundtrack. A soundtrack that was composed by the master among masters, the British composer
John Barry and that, just two years after his first Oscar for best soundtrack for his "
Born Free" from 1966, with this "
The Lion in Winter" by 1968, and together with the orchestrator,
Robert Richards, he won his second Oscar for best soundtrack. And, making the canons clear, of what was going to be, more than a fruitful career.
And, finally, once this "
The Lion in Winter" has been dissected, in summary, we are going to find ourselves before a film, with a cold and stark medieval cut, in the style of "
Robin and Mariam" from 1976 and directed by
Richard Lester who, for moments, it is painted in Shakespearean accents. Therefore, a film of egos and that, at times, becomes long and hard to digest, but in which the interpretation stands out greatly. Let's enjoy it.
To do this, keep in mind that, as always, under the title page, we have left the post published on and, under its trailer, the link to the full film in the original version with subtitles. Therefore, you only have to click on any of these links, to be able to enjoy the chosen option.
Synopsis: Year 1183. The King of England Henry II Plantagenet gathers his entire family to spend Christmas and decide who will succeed him on the throne. He sends for his wife, the Machiavellian Eleanor of Aquitaine, whom he keeps locked in a tower after having repudiated her, and also his three children: the devious Geoffrey, the insignificant John (John without Earth) and the angry Richard (Ricardo I). Lion heart). It should be borne in mind that a few years earlier (1173-1174), the three of them, incited by their ambitious mother, had risen up against their father. (Filmaffinity)
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