a manager (menijer) – boshqaruvchi
certainly (so`tnliy) – albatta
Edinburgh (edinburg) – Edinburg shahri
a director (dayrektor) – direktor
an office (ofis) – ofis
a phone number (fon nambe) – telefon raqam
telephoning (telefoning) – telefon qilish
Tarjima qiling:
A: Good morning, The Grand Hotel
J: Hello, The manager, please
A: Certainly, and your name is?
J: Jose Gonzalez
A: How do you spell your surname?
J: G-O-N-Z-A-L-E-Z
A: Thank you
J: Hello. Sam Jackson
A: Mr. Jackson, hello. This is Jose Gonzalez
B: Good afternoon. The Edinburgh English School
M: Hello, The director, Annie Benton, please
B: And your name is?
M: Mayumi Morioka
B: How do you spell it?
M: M-A-Y-U-M-I M-O-R-I-O-K-A
B: Thank you.. …. I’m sorry. She isn’t in her office. What’s your phone number?
M: It’s Japan 3 5414 6443
B: Thank you for telephoning. Goodbye
M: Goodbye
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Комментарии 6
Hayrli kun. Bu Edinburg shahridagi ingliz maktabimi? Salom direktor Anni Bentonman. Sizning ismingiz ? Mayumi Morioka Harflab ayting. Em ey vay yu em ay Em ou a ay ou key ey Rahmat . Uzr ofisda emasman, telefon raqamingizni ayting. U Yaponiyaniki 3 54146443 Rahmat telefon qilaman hayr. Hayr.