friend (frend) – do`st
Andy (endiy) - erkak ismi
best (best) – eng yaxshi
funny (fani) – quvnoq
really (riyli) – juda
university (yunivo`siti) – universitet
but (bat) – lekin
beautiful (byutiful) – chiroyli
girl (gyol) – qiz
near (niye) – yaqin
both (bos) – ikkala, ikkisi
a lot of (elotof) – ko`p
a lot (elot) – ko`p
CD (sidi) – disk
rock “n” roll (roken rol) – rok musiqa
favorite (fevirit) – sevimli, yaxshi ko`rgan
also (olso) – shuningdek, yana
fan (fen) – ishqiboz
Manchester United (Manchester yunayted) – futbol jamoa
when (ven) – qachon, qachonki
together (tugeze) – birgalikda
to have a good time (heve gud taym) – vaqtni yaxshi o`tkazmoq
Tarjima qiling:
My friend Andy
My best friend’s name is Andy. He is very nice, and he is really funny. He’s 22, he is a student at university. He isn’t married.
Andy’s parents have a flat in Manchester. It’s near the center of town. His father’s a taxi driver, and his mother works in a hospital.
He has two sisters. Their names are Alison and Molly. They’re both at school.
Andy has a lot of CDs. His favorite music is rock “n” roll, and his favorite pop group is Mood. He is also a fan of Manchester United.
When we are together, we have a good time.
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Комментарии 4
Mening eng yahwi dostimi ismi andy u juda ajoyib va u juda quvnoq.U 22 yosh u oliygohda talaba u turmush qurmagan andyni ota-onasi bor mancertrda kvartirada shaharga yaqin uning otasi krakaw onasi kasalhonada iwledi uning 2ta singlisi bor ularning ismlari alison va molly ular 2siham maktabda andy rock musiqa maktabida 6qidi gruppasi pop u ham m.yuga muhlis qacan biz brgalikda biz bor vaqt ajoyb otadi
Andyda kop disklar bor. Uning yaxshi korgan musiqasi rok n rol va uning yoqtirgan pop guruhi mood. U yana m.u.ning ishqibozi.
Qachonki birgalikda bolsak vaqtni yaxshi ötkazamiz