This publication presents such a reality regarding Russia and Israel. By the way, in the state of Israel there is nothing Jewish or Judaic, except for the name of the country, the fraudulent use of Jewish names and Hebrew by the Talmudists and the graves of famous people, from God's chosen people, to whom the Talmudists have neither a genetic nor a spiritual relationship.
Dear citizens of our planet, what is common, what unites Russia and Israel?! In both these countries, the Talmudic political caste rules according to the Talmud, and not the Constitution of the country. In Russia, this talmudic political caste is nationalistic, in Israel, it is international for all Talmudists of the planet, but not for real Jews (descendants of Jacob) and Judaizers people. In Russia, the Talmudists carried out an entire military operation against one moral and fair man, the Soviet General and First President of Chechnya (Ichkeria) Dzhokhar Dudayev, who was preventing them from achieving their unjust criminal goals, destroying him with a ballistic missile. In Israel, the Talmudists also carried out an entire military operation against one moral man, Hassan Nasrallah, who sought truth, justice and equality, using 85 (eighty-five) aerial anti-bunker bombs against him. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has claimed that he ordered this the assassination, that he personally gave the order to kill Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah because, he stupidly and short-sightedly explained, he feared that he would quickly restore Hezbollah's fighting ability. Why is this a stupid and short-sighted statement? Because the fighting ability of a person or a nation is quickly restored if their human, civil, property, and other just and legitimate interests are criminally trampled, ignored, and even destroyed by unconstitutional power or military force. In this case, the personality of a person is not so important, since the very conditions of life give rise to new "Hassan Nasrals". In Russia, the Kremlin's Talmudists bribed the Masonic-Talmudic elite of Chechnya, leaving it as part of Russia, and are pumping oil out of it. The Russian Talmudists destroyed the USSR, but realized that they had lost a lot economically and in the possibilities of ensuring security without the Union Republics, so they began waging wars of conquest in Georgia and Ukraine, provoking Nazi fascism. And there's more to come, in terms of awakening the consciousness of peoples and their desire for justice and equality, which will oppose the Talmudists. Many Eastern European countries, even the former Soviet Baltic Republics, joined NATO, but no one started a war with Russia because of it. They were only ensuring their safety from the criminal Talmudists of the Kremlin. The same would have happened in the case of Georgia and Ukraine, but the Talmudists of the Kremlin realized that they were losing a lot without them.
The Kremlin Talmudists cannot prove that they are right, having robbed all the peoples of the Russian Federation and the Union Republics, who Talmudic criminally appropriated all the economic, military, atomic, space, and natural wealth created by all the peoples of the Soviet Union for a whole century, and only the Talmudists turned out to be billionaires, by administrative methods of the Talmudic anti-constitutional state system. They cannot prove that they did not begin the military occupation of Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.
And the Talmudists of Israel, people without a specific genetic origin and tribe, as long as they use force to assert their wrongness in Palestine and in the Region as a whole, the genetic descendants of Abraham, as well as the Muslim world of this region, will forever be their enemies. The Talmudists will never defeat them completely. The Talmudists of Israel cannot prove that they are the genetic descendants of Jacob, or even that they are Jews, since the truth of a lie cannot be proven. Therefore, the only way for the Talmudists of Israel to achieve peace in the region is to abandon the criminal Talmud and come to God's morality in the Holy Scripture, the Torah (Taurat). As I have already said, yes, Talmudists are not Jews and not Judaists, they are not descendants of Abraham and Jacob, their ancestors never lived in the territories of ancient Israel and Judea, in the Holy Land. But one can become a Jew by accepting the moral Jewish religion, based on the moral and legal 10 commandments of God, set out in the Torah. In other words, if the Talmudists of Israel accept spiritual baptism (spiritual circumcision), that is, if they renounce the Talmud, in other words, if they circumcise their bestial essence and accept the moral Commandments of God, then their bestial, spiritless essence will be transformed into a spiritual human essence. Thus, they will no longer appear as an alien, inhuman element in the Holy Land, they will no longer pose a danger to the Arab population of the region, and a peaceful life will begin between them without “Berlin walls.” In this case, other Muslim countries will also find spiritual peace and will fit into the peaceful life on the planet. The Talmudists of Israel do not intend to do this yet, neither in the Gaza Strip, nor in Lebanon, nor in Syria, nor anywhere else. They say, we Talmudists, we act according to the immoral and lawless Talmud against the Arab population of Abraham's descendants in Palestine, and in the region as a whole, as well as against the Muslim population, as Satan, the spiritual author of the immoral and criminal Talmud, demands of us. They say that they feel like Beasts, and the Arab population is their prey, so it cannot have any rights. Therefore, the brutal liquidation of one person who sought justice will not bring any positive result to the Talmudists of Israel in the long term. And I strongly recommend that the White House Administration not supply weapons to the Talmudists of Israel in their satanic war against God's chosen people and against God himself. All Muslim countries can be friends of the USA in this region if the US politicians ennoble their worldview, make it fair and mutually beneficial. If Vladimir Putin can do it, why can't the US President do it, because both Russia and the USA are capitalist countries?!
Let's return to the Talmudists of Russia, who introduced the Talmudic new Know-how into world political practice. They occupy some territories of one or another state, in this case Ukraine. Then, they declare these occupied territories to be the territory of Russia, and the just defensive war of Ukraine, for its own territories, in a Talmudic perverse way, they call an attack on Russia and threaten to use nuclear weapons against the non-nuclear defending Ukraine. Based on this criminal Talmudic attitude, they mistakenly think that it is impossible to defeat an ill-advised nuclear power. I especially emphasize for the uneducated President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, who believes that nuclear weapons can be played with like a knife, safely for himself, sticking it into the ground, - that Russia's air defense, which shoots down conventional missiles in Russian airspace, even this is dangerous for the country's civilian population, who suffer damage from the fragments of these missiles. However, when air defense shoots down a nuclear missile, it explodes in midair, and deadly radiation covers the Earth. The Kremlin's Talmudists will not be able to neutralize a retaliatory nuclear strike by NATO countries. Therefore, it is not the presence of nuclear weapons in a state that is important, but whether it is right or not. There are no claims against a right-wing country. The wrong side always has problems. If a country is wrong, it has no right to assert its wrongness with nuclear weapons, but is bound to observe the moral and legal norms of humanity, including in international relations.
Dear citizens, please note that the wild President of Russia Vladimir Putin already contradicts himself in many ways. For example, he recently admonished politicians of NATO countries that immoral and unfair policies will not succeed. And now Putin's policy itself is sheer immorality and injustice. He quite seriously claims that in the 21st century he is fighting for Russian lands in the state of Ukraine, which were part of Russia only whole century ago. In addition to the fact that this is a clear manifestation of schizophrenia in a civilized policy that respects the human, civil and property rights of the population, the question arises: what did Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and South Ossetian representative Dmitry Sanakoyev, both Ossetians by origin, fight for in South Ossetia when Putin started a war with them using the Russian armed forces? According to Saakashvili and Sanakoyev, they also fought for the lands of Georgia that were part of Georgia 16 years ago, and not 100 years ago. If Putin can fight for lands that were once part of Russia, why can't Mikhail Saakashvili do it?! Let me remind you once again that the discrimination against human, civil and property rights of the Ossetian people in South Ossetia and throughout Georgia, as well as the Russian people in the Donbas and Lugansk Autonomies, as well as the Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions of Ukraine, were deliberately provoked by the nationalist policy approved by the Kremlin's Talmudists in the USSR and in the post-Soviet space. With all of the above, I would like to emphasize that in this case I am not saying that Mikhail Saakashvili was right to start an unconstitutional war in South Ossetia, especially since South Ossetian President Eduard Kokoyev offered him peace talks, even television debates, but Saakashvili inadequately refused them. I am saying that Vladimir Putin acted wrongly by deliberately starting a war with Ukraine, seizing its territories with the aim of annexing them to Talmudic Russia, while being guided by the obscurantist medieval logic of conquest and occupation of the ancient Russian Empire. Putin gives such the impression allegedly two thousand years of development of science, theology, philosophy, political science, culture and civilization have passed him by, so he is as wild as the wild Talmudist of the Middle Ages and even the man of the primitive communal system.
Professor David Ben Melech (Abaev-Jirkvalidze), a real descendant of the King of Israel David.
Georgia, Gori, October 1, 2024.
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