Hozirgi noaniq zamonning savol shakli
Hozirgi noaniq zamonning savol shaklini yasash uchun I, you, we va they lardan oldin “do”; he, she va it lardan oldin esa “does” keladi:
1. Do I look smart? Yes, you do
2. Do you play a lot? Yes, I do
3. Does he walk every day? Yes, he does
4. Does she read at night? No, she doesn’t
5. Does it rain a lot? Yes, it does
6. Do we need help? Yes, we do
7. Do they go every year? No, they don’t
Does he plays? kabi gap tuzilsa xato hisoblanadi, balki:
Does he play? bo`ladi.
Savol gaplar ba`zan savol so`zlar bilan ham keladi, bunday gapda savol so`z birinchi keladi:
1. When do I start? You start tomorrow
2. What do you play? I play football
3. Where does he live? He lives in Rome
4. How often does she read? She reads every day
5. When does it start? It starts next week
6. What do we need? We need books
7. How often do they eat? They eat every day
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