As mentioned above, istudyandwork is based on a principle of sharing. You provide our Data Center with a valuable article, and in exchange you receive a permanent access to all of its resources, which includes articles of ambassadors such as yourself and of the author. The project's main difference from other available resources is that every person becomes an ambassador upon submitting an article and is guaranteed to get a detailed and professional response to any question he/she may have. No waiting on discussion boards to get a response, which would most likely be incomplete from someone using a nickname. You can instead receive a personal approach.
The Data Center will also include actual statements of interests used in applying to schools as well as resumes, cover letters and more.
Following are the guidelines for you to use in writing and submitting your articles.
AQSh.da ilk bor 2001-2002 yillari o'qib ketganimdan so'ng menga yuqoridagi savol bilan murojaat qilganlar son-sanoqsiz bo'ilb, ularga doimo to'la va tushunarli javob berishga harakat qilib kelaman.
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