e. not by direct popular vote. Is this really true?! Judge for yourself. Does the position of President of Georgia have the appropriate content, or is it a fiction, a fake?! What consists of the satanism of the Christian Church of Georgia?! How can we get out of the current critical situation of Georgia, in relation to the population of the country and the civilized world of our planet?!
Dear citizens, as you know, the President of Georgia is no longer elected by universal popular vote so that he has the legitimacy to protect the Constitutional governance of the state. He no longer has the function of governing the state at all so that he can solve certain internal and external problems. He is elected only by one ruling party, and the "President" is considered the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Georgia. However, he does not have the right to exercise even this right without permission from the Parliament of Georgia. Thus, the President of Georgia does not have any presidential rights and duties at all, therefore, this state-funded institution can only be called Presidential by political liars, swindlers, thieves, or mentally ill people. The only function that is assigned to the so-called President is the function of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country. Therefore, we are left to consider the position of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Georgia, which the so-called President can use only with the permission of the Parliament of the country. Thus, if the only real state function of the President is to command the armed forces of Georgia, then it is logical and legitimate for the Parliament of Georgia to elect a Commander-in-Chief who would have the appropriate military education, and not mock the presidential institution.
So, dear citizens, the ruling party of Georgia (Bidzina Ivanishvili's Dream - Georgian Dream) elected on December 14, 2024, as Commander-in-Chief of the Georgian Armed Forces, a football player, Mikheil Kavelashvili, who not only has no military education, but he has no education at all. But if we compare him "on the scale" of humanity with the previous Presidents of Georgia, starting with the uneducated fascist Zviad Gomsakhurdia, who formally had a higher education diploma, then Mikheil Kavelashvili looks much more humane and moral than him. On December 15, 2024, Mikheil Kavelashvili gave an interview to Imedi TV, in which he spoke about his worldview and sketched a picture of how he would act as the Commander-in-Chief of Georgia, who is 100% mistakenly called the President. In parallel to this, M. Kavelashvili expressed a desire to have a dialogue or discussion with any citizen of the country, which is why I am publishing this publication in the sense of a meaningful polemic with Mikheil Kavelashvili.
So, I will reveal and substantiate the content of the questions that worried Mikhail Kavelashvili during his interview point by point:
1). M. Kavelashvili does not understand why educated people in Georgia and abroad believe that the people, who in theory should elect state power, including the Government, are a completely separate entity, and the Talmudic state power and the Government are a completely different entity. Therefore, I explain to him why this is objectively exactly so and not otherwise. The Talmudic anti-constitutional political system of the country merely fraudulently uses the votes of voters to legitimize its power over these same voters, and does not wish to express and satisfy the constitutional desires, rights, interests and needs of voters. Based on this, it falsifies the results of elections, destroys justice and legality in law enforcement agencies in order to system and systematically rob these same voters, as well as the state budget. In essence, the Talmudic political caste is not an elected organ of power, but an independent political class, which aims to rob all the peoples living in the state, closing off for them the possibility of restoring justice and legality in all law enforcement agencies. Thus, the Talmudic political caste in the state administration of Georgia cannot be united with the Georgian nation, which it mercilessly and satanically robs. Such theft on the part of this political caste is clearly reflected in the increasing material well-being and wealth of its representatives, from the moment they enter government service and over the course of many years in power.
2). The content of the method of governing the state by Vladimir Putin and Bidzina Ivanishvili is expressed in the Russian proverb: "The dog barks, but the caravan moves on." In other words, they see the theft of the people by the Talmudic political power, they themselves participate in this theft, encourage discrimination and the destruction of human, civil and constitutional rights of citizens, voters, people, but they suppress any public and popular discontent by the police and special forces, a priori not even thinking about fulfilling the fair and legal demands of the voter, people and peoples. Mikhail Kavelashvili also holds the same position. He does not consider the possibility of returning to the citizens of Georgia the private property stolen from them by the political authorities of Georgia, factories, plants, farms, mills, etc., he does not intend to return to them the money, dividends, that are legally due to their. Kavelashvili expects that after Donald Trump takes office as President of the United States, the United States of America and the European Union themselves will agree that the political power of Bidzina Ivanishvili will continue to rob the Georgian nation, in complete lawlessness and injustice, since he believes that capitalist business is the legalization of criminal crime. This is why on November 28, Bidzina Ivanishvili ignored the demand of his voters to integrate into the EU, thereby turning his political power into a pathetic team of liars, swindlers and thieves.
3). Since Mikhail Kavelashvili has no education, the scope of his worldview and horizons are very limited, so he does not understand the difference, on the one hand, between truth and multifaceted truth, the reality of which is determined and proven by scientific, theological, political data and arguments, and the 100% religious lie of the Orthodox Church of Georgia, on the other hand, which is unable to prove the reality of any of its false and satanic dogmas, either on the basis of the Holy Scripture (Torah, Tanakh, Bible before the Gospel), or on the basis of theology in general, or on the basis of science, or on the basis of morality and legality. In other words, Kavelashvili shamelessly lies, allegedly the attacks on the satanic church of Georgia are carried out from outside, but does not tell the truth that this is not a process of external invasion, but a process of increasing the education of the population, this is the result of new scientific and theological discoveries that have already proven a completely different reality, that is, adequate to reality. The uneducated Kavelashvili inadequately believes that love for the immoral man Jesus saved Georgia over the centuries, whom he falsely, groundlessly and satanically calls God. At the same time, it is an irrefutable historical fact that this satanic "religion" was established in Georgia by fire and sword, people fled to the mountains in order not to accept it. In Racha, for example, this religion was not accepted until the 10-11 centuries, and in Khevsureti until the 18-19 centuries AD. Kavelashvili does not understand that Jesus is the very person who himself violated and encouraged others to violate the 10 moral Commandments of God. Ignorance prevents Mikhail Kavelashvili from understanding that it was Jesus who permitted adultery in marriage without condemning such a practice. And it is he who is the founder of the destruction of the family institution, since it was Jesus, in contradiction to the morality of God, who declared that the enemies of man are his loved ones, members of his family. Jesus also said satanically that if a man does not renounce his family, he will not be able to come to him - to Jesus. Thus, Mikhail Kavelashvili, being an idolater of the immoral Jesus, does not protect his family in any way, on the contrary, he contributes to its corruption. This is so because a family that worships a prostitute as a deity or "mother of God" cannot, a priori, observe morality and marital fidelity, since it imitates the debauchery of prostitution, considering it a divine way of life.
During these days of protest in Georgia, posters with the following content appeared: "I am a Gurian (from G-uria, that is, a former Urian is a Chaldean in the Talmudic religion), so I do not fit into any framework, nor even into my own skin. And in Russia, a Talmudist of Slavic origin, Nikolai Baskov, composed the following song: "I have everything, but I want more (like an insatiable pig), I even want to be taller, and that the life of the Kremlin Talmudists is a criminal miracle." And later the whole Kremlin sang along to this song. In other words, the protest of the youth in Tbilisi now has the character of the freedom of the sexual revolution of the 60s in Europe, and Bidzina Ivanishvili acts as the inquisitor of the French Catholic Church, who condemned the beautiful gypsy for not loving him, but giving herself to another, more beautiful man.
In addition, Jesus declared the forgiveness of any sin and crime if he is falsely, groundlessly and satanically recognized as the son of God and the Messiah. In other words, Jesus appeared before people as a bribe-giver, while it is known that a bribe is given for fraud, falsification or other illegal and false activity. Thus, Jesus ensured the expanded reproduction of sin and crime on Earth. Jesus, falsely preaching all-encompassing love, had homosexual relations with his male disciples, which is condemned in the Holy Scripture.
By the way, not long ago, in Tbilisi, one Georgian guy, a homosexual, imitating Jesus, explained to another that love is a comprehensive concept and therefore has the same content between men, women, humans and animals as love between a man and a woman, parents and children, for which he got a punch in his mentally inadequate mug.
At the same time, Mikhail Kavelashvili seriously believes that Mary's egg was allegedly fertilized not by the male sperm of Mary's lover, as a result of which Jesus was born, but by the beak of a dove or some "holy spirit", who by no means showed any criteria of Divine origin. Why? Because God does not violate his own moral Commandments and does not commit sin with someone else's wife, I repeat, with someone else's, which and when is why ordinary sex turns into a sin. In other words, the Gospel does not speak of the “holy spirit”, but of the spirit of Satan. Moreover, God does not change the natural processes of nature, He does not change the way humans give birth to children, and He has never said otherwise. As you can see, not only the lack of education, but even the mental inadequacy of Mikhail Kavelashvili is obvious.
Based on the above facts, dear citizens, you already see for yourself that the point of view of the Satanic Church of Georgia is not some other opinion, but 100% lies, fraud, immorality and criminality. In addition, Jesus, using lies, fraud, spiritual bribery, replaced God in His Temple, which is why he became the Antichrist, the only person in the history of mankind who replaced the morality and legality of God with the immorality, lawlessness and criminality of Satan, who replaced God, destroying his moral way of life. Thus, depravity is sown by the satanic teaching of Jesus, and not by European, American, Russian, Georgian or Talmudic Christians who imitate Jesus. Therefore, the love for the immoral Jesus that Mikhail Kavelashvili advertises is a love for the destruction of the institution of family, morality, legality and humanity. It is because of this that pure and moral families in Tbilisi exist among the overwhelming minority of the population, in all other families by Jesus lie, immorality, imitation of the lecherous married Mary reign. Sometimes parents do not even know who their children are from. That is why in such families women and girls are crazy about the song "Andalusian Night". I'm not even talking about mentally inadequate homosexuals (gays and lesbians). Thus, if immorality and debauchery in the churches of Georgia are elevated to the rank of divine worship, for example, to the harlot Mary, then no family that goes to this immoral church can be pure, moral and devoted. Mikhail Kavelashvili likes the institution of repentance in the satanic church, because it gives the right to commit a crime an infinite number of times and repent again, which does not improve the situation of citizens who have become victims of criminal offenses of such "repentants". Repentance existed before this satanic religion, which implied a complete change of lifestyle in favor of a moral and legal one. Without such a changed lifestyle, repentance is just a satanic fiction. Therefore, the opinion expressed by Mikhail Kavelashvili that the Patriarcha of the Church of Georgia allegedly protects the national interests of Georgia and is its flagship is nothing more than a statement by a satanist or a very mentally ill person.
As you can see, I repeat, the opinion of the Satanic Church and the Patriarcha of Georgia is no other opinion based on some realities, but it is 100% a lie, fraud and crime, which is a criminal offense.
4). The only positive thing Mikhail Kavelashvili said in his interview was the desire to improve relations with the Ossetian and Abkhazian peoples, but he never voiced a clear legal plan.
5). A legitimate question. Why and on what fair and legal grounds does Bidzina Ivanishvili own private shares of Gazprom, receive huge dividends, while citizens of the Russian Federation do not own them, do not receive dividends, but are only in the service of the Talmudists?
6). Mikhail Kavelashvili, Vladimir Putin, like all other inadequate or uneducated people, live with inadequate faith in something, mostly inadequate, unfair, illogical, violent and criminal, and are not guided by 100% facts of reality, which is an indicator of their mental problems. Therefore, they oppose civil liberties of citizens and nations, even against social networks. Such mentally limited people are idolaters, on whom the Antichrist relied in his fight against God's image of moral and legal life on Earth. At the same time, everyone should understand that crimes committed by educated criminals who are deprived of all moral criteria are much more dangerous and cruel crimes than others. Therefore, education without morality, humanity and legality is a crime. And Mikhail Kavelashvili still has a long way to go to reach Vladimir Putin.
Dear citizens, as you can already clearly see, the Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Kobakhidze, and also the "President" elected by Bidzina Ivanishvili's party - Mikheil Kavelashvili, who called on the citizens of our country to dialogue on any state issues, themselves are not only unable to discuss with me, in my numerous publications, regarding the illegal and criminal activities of the anti-constitutional and anti-state political party "Georgian Dream", but cannot even reply, respond to them. And this means that they understand and admit their wrongness and criminal nature. At the same time, I have every right to talk about all this, since I have never been a member of the "nationalist movement" party or any other party. I am a representative of the people who elect, not are elected. Moreover, I helped Bidzina Ivanishvili come to power in Georgia, because I then still believed in his disguised selfish political lies. The question arises, what can and should the ruling party do now, at the state level, to correct its wrongs, mistakes and crimes:
1). The Georgian government must return to me and all robbed citizens of Georgia our rightful property and the dividends due to us from it.
2). Release the participants of the fair protest rally in November and December 2024 who did not commit criminal offenses.
3). Retract the statement of the Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Kobakhidze of November 28, 2024, on the suspension of negotiations with the European Union until 2028, regarding Georgia's integration into the EU.
4). Resign, call new Parliamentary and Presidential elections in Georgia, with subsequent carrying of its representatives criminal liability for the crimes committed.
P.S. Mentally retarded creatures, worshipers of the "golden calf", denigrating, insulting God and His moral and legal way of life, who are in the ruling party of Georgia, now claim that it is good that on November 28 they refused to open negotiations with the European Union regarding Georgia's integration into this Union, otherwise, allegedly, the EU Resolutions and sanctions against this ruling party would have been tougher. It does not occur to these idiots that if there had not been the unconstitutional statement of the Prime Minister of Georgia on November 28, 2024, there would not have been mass protest rallies throughout Georgia. There would be was no cases of violence and torture of protesters after their arrest by law enforcement agencies. There would be no reason at all to use violence against protesters, as well as the use of pyrotechnics by them. There had be no injuries, either on the part of protesters or on the part of law enforcement agencies and journalists. In other words, in such a case the European Union and the USA would not have used sanctions at all, and would not have bring to a stand relations with the ruling party of Georgia, which inadequately and criminally calls the need for legal democratic reforms blackmail. Mamuka Mdinaradze, the Chairman of the faction and the executive secretary of the Georgian Dream party, cannot understand that the protest of the youth against the establishment of a single-celled and pork dictatorship in Georgia is precisely a protest, and not an attempt to carry out a revolution. An authoritarian, lawless, anti-constitutional state system aimed at robbing the nation and the state is in no way a Georgian, Russian, Kazakh or any other national path of development, but a single Talmudic political path of enslavement of the local population. I have said more than once that criminals should be in prison, and not located in the highest state power. Holding elections in conditions of competition between 19 parties does not mean holding fair elections and results that would reflect the real preferences of voters.
P.P.S. The ruling party of Georgia elected the Commander-in-Chief (President) by the votes of members of Parliament, local government and the representative of the Government of Adjara, and Abkhazia in exile. In other words, the Commander-in-Chief of the Georgian troops was not elected by the South Ossetian Government in exile, not even at the self-government level. Therefore, I did not understand whether this means recognition of the independence of South Ossetia by Bidzina Ivanishvili's political party?!
P.P.P.S. Dear citizens, why do I not trust the representatives of the opposition parties, as well as the ruling party of Georgia? Because during the 32 years of Georgia's cooperation with the US and the European Union, Georgia, which is being rebuilt from Talmudic authoritarian and criminal anti-constitutional political governance to constitutional legal democratic state governance, such a chance for the opposition parties was only in the relevant proposals of the EU representative Charles Michel. But these proposals were rejected by Mikheil Saakashvili's party, which is why Bidzina Ivanishvili's party eventually rejected them as well. An attempt to return Georgia's political spectrum to the path of democratic reforms was made at the end of December 2024 by EU Secretary General Allen Barset. But this was again rejected by the opposition, which stated that it was more important for it to hold new elections in order to find itself in Talmudic autocratic power, rather than to carry out democratic and legal reforms in the system of public administration, in the Prosecutor's Office, in the Court, and in all other law enforcement structures. The ruling party declared that it was ready for such negotiations, but the context of this agreement was such that in the end it would also reject Alan Burseth's proposals. In other words, the Talmudic political spectrum of Georgia is fighting only for its own dominant position in the state system of Georgia, for the purpose of personal unconstitutional and criminal enrichment, and not for the purpose of building a constitutional system of democratic and legal state governance, in which state power would express and protect the rights and interests of the country's citizens and foreign investors. And for integration into the European Union, it is precisely these reforms that need to be carried out. I repeat that all these parties have been in power in Georgia for decades, but they have always Talmudically enriched themselves, ignoring the interests of the country's population and investors. Figuratively speaking, we are once again faced with a choice between two “heaps of shit,” or two “insatiable pigs,” and we once again do not have the opportunity to choose people or decent, reasonable and worthy people to power. In order for such an opportunity to appear for the citizens of Georgia, they should not choose parties that do not promise them the implementation of the above-mentioned reforms of state administration and security forces, that do not guarantee them the protection of their human, constitutional and property rights, the protection of justice and the law.
Professor David Ben Melech (Abaev-Jirkvalidze), a real descendant of the King of Israel David.
Georgia, Gori, December 17-19, 2024.
Andalusian Night. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gst514ey72w
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