Or, as the lying propagandists of Russia say, why is it better for the former Soviet Republics to be with Gay Europe than Gay Russia? How can China practically solve the problem of overpopulation of the territory of China?!
Dear citizens of the post-Soviet space, the European Union, the United States of America, China and the whole world, as you have long known, the Talmudic political caste of the Russian Federation, both in the Soviet Union and now, officially says one thing, while implying another, and in reality implementing a third, this is the negative and destructive essence of the Talmudic state power, based on lies and the fooling of the peoples of "idiots", or as the Talmudists call them Goyim. That is why the citizens of the Soviet Union listened to the Voice of America, Radio Liberty (Free Europe) and other Western radio broadcasts, because Europe and the United States spoke the relative truth. At the same time, the question arises, what is the difference between the political caste of the Talmudists of Russia and Europe? If in Russia the Talmudists, in the political nomenclature power, use a three-stage lie to fraudulently deceive the peoples of Russia, without taking into account the human, civil and property rights of the latter, then in Europe there is only a two-stage political lie to keep the Talmudists in state power, but at the same time the human, civil and property rights of voters in the EU countries are observed. For example, if in Europe and the USA millionaires and billionaires were people who had became privately accumulating for centuries, using their labor and intelligence, in the post-Soviet space all economic and natural wealth was created by the common labor of the peoples of the USSR. However, during the Talmudic perestroika, all these riches, through the Talmudic state administration of Russia, as well as other Republics, turned out to be only the private property of Talmudists, and all other citizens and peoples who even had such private property were robbed and left with nothing, as the Talmud requires. Among them was I, a descendant of Yehuda and David, a God-chosen scholar and theologian, robbed by Talmudists without a clan or tribe. And after I called in my numerous publications for the restoration of justice and legality, so that citizens of the post-Soviet space and Russia would fairly receive their share of the property from the economic and natural potential, the criminal Talmudists decided to deceitfully and fraudulently resolve this issue as well. In other words, at the international women's forum in September 2024, a female Talmudist of the Kremlin declared that only men (Talmudists) are billionaires in Russia, so, they say, we will redistribute their money to (Talmudist) women, so that the goy peoples of Russia will think allegedly a fair redistribution has taken place. Although, in reality, the money from one pocket of Talmudists will be transferred to another pocket of Talmudists, and the Goy peoples of Russia will remain with nothing, a pauper.
In nowadays Russian businessman Bidzina Ivanishvili lies down under Vladimir Putin to maintain his subjective monopoly political power in Georgia and his stolen wealth to return South Ossetia and Abkhazia to Georgia. For this, he rightly accused Mikheil Saakashvili of starting the unconstitutional war in South Ossetia in 2008, although he lied, allegedly Saakashvili fought at the request of the United States. We all remember very well that representatives of the highest state power of the United States warned Saakashvili not to start this war, that he would lose it. But Saakashvili started this war for his own reasons, to solve his political problems in Georgia, which he had because of his dictatorial and street hooligan management. The only person from the US who supported Mikheil Saakashvili in this war was a certain Matthew Bryza, but he did it privately. Bidzina Ivanishvili also did not say that Saakashvili was not condemned by his government for starting this unconstitutional war, which brought mass deaths to citizens of Georgia, South Ossetia and Russia. Why? Because Ivanishvili's government representatives supported Saakashvili's war in South Ossetia at that time, and only left him after his defeat. Moreover, the strengthening of Saakashvili's dictatorial political regime was carried out by Ivanishvili himself, who financed his security and law enforcement agencies. The improvement of the lives of Georgian citizens, voters, is not connected with the presence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia in Georgia or their absence. Therefore, except for the Georgian and Megrelian populations of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, as well as the political Talmudists, everyone else does not care where they will be if the citizens of Georgia do not have personal constitutional freedom, constitutional and property rights to their due private property from the economic and natural potential of the country. The Russian Federation is now a political police state that terrorizes its population. In Russia, a person has no right to have an opinion other than that of a liar, a fraud, and a thief - the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. And if a Russian expresses a different opinion, then representatives of the special services can beat him up, deprive him of his job, or even kill him. At the same time, censorship is prohibited by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Even God gives man and humanity the freedom to choose divine or satanic life, warning that in the first case they will have a clean and prosperous life, in the second case dirt, hostility and death. But Talmudist Vladimir Putin does not give freedom of choice to his population. Incidentally, the mass tragic death of innocent children in Beslan also occurred not so much because of the actions of terrorists, but because of the Talmudic aggressive activity of Vladimir Putin's special forces, which is well known to everyone. When Mikheil Saakashvili was the President of Georgia, who, despite his democratic rhetoric, used the same authoritarian system of government that exists in Russia, I, the most free and decent person on our planet, had an operation on a bilateral inguinal hernia. It was necessary to simply stitch up the skin on my stomach. The right-sided hydrocele was formed right on the operating table. Within 2-3 weeks after the operation, all the internal organs changed their position, the spine bent, causing corresponding pathological changes in the internal organs and in the body as a whole, turning a person into a multi-layered invalid. This is the system of Talmudic authoritarian governance. But God heals me, which, from a medical point of view, was impossible.
Dear citizens, in order for the answers to the questions raised in the title of this publication to be clear and precise, let us set out point by point all the claims of Talmudic Russia against the European Community and the USA, and then answer them honestly and competently:
1). Vladimir Putin accuses Western countries of being Satanists, of being homosexuals who are destroying the traditional family.
2). Vladimir Putin accuses the US and NATO countries of violating international law on the invariability of state borders when they began air strikes against Yugoslavia and created the new states of Kosovo and Serbia. Vladimir Putin says that his military actions in South Ossetia and Ukraine are retaliatory actions against the violation of the territorial integrity of Yugoslavia by NATO countries. In other words, Putin justifies his creation of new states in the post-Soviet space (so far in Georgia and Ukraine) by the precedent of the creation of the state of Kosovo, which is on the conscience of NATO countries.
3). Vladimir Putin blames the US for the fact that the Americans withdrew from all nuclear arms control treaties, which became the impetus for the start of Putin's arms race. As a result of this arms race, Putin has outstripped US Presidents in both the quality and quantity of nuclear weapons and in the quantity of conventional weapons and air defense systems, and thus he kicked the Americans' ass.
Now, dear friends, let us honestly and reasonably examine each of these points of accusation Russian President Vladimir Putin in relation to the United States and the European Union.
1)The countries of the European Union and the USA are Christian countries, just as the Russian Federation is a Christian country. Therefore, if the EU countries and the USA are Satanists, then the Russian Federation is also a Satanist. Moreover, both the USA and the EU, as well as the Russian Federation, worship not the God of the Universe, the founder of the moral and legal planetary and universal civilization, but the immoral man Jesus, who did not recognize the moral and legal civilized life of humanity. Jesus not only permitted the violation of the 10 moral Commandments of God, transmitted to humanity through Moses, but also falsely promised forgiveness of all sins and crimes, thereby ensuring the expanded reproduction of sin and crime on our planet. Moreover, Jesus himself was born in sin, not from his father, but from his mother's lover, and as his disciple John writes in the Gospel, he lay on Jesus's chest and loved him. That is, Jesus, Vladimir Putin's god, was a homosexual who had such relationships with his disciples. Therefore, Vladimir Putin, accusing Western countries of homosexuality, in fact accuses his artificial idol and god, the man Jesus, of this. Vladimir Putin himself is a fan of Jesus, which means he himself is also a spiritual faggot. In addition, as Jesus' disciples clearly write in the Gospel, Jesus preached that the enemies of man are members of his family, his loved ones, therefore the authorship of the destruction of the traditional family between a man and a woman also belongs to Vladimir Putin's god - the homosexual man Jesus. And how does Putin himself feel about the institution of the traditional family? How does he feel about the family principle: "spouses should be faithful to each other and be together in sorrow and in joy, until death do them part"? Vladimir Putin, like his admirer Donald Trump, like a stray cat on the street, ends up in the bed of one cat or another, and he has long forgotten his own wife. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the founder of the Soviet Union, said that every cook should learn to govern the state. And the Talmudists of the USSR and Russia, since 1953, have declared that every prostitute should govern the state. As a result, the overwhelming majority of Russian "traditional families" have become cells of debauchery and prostitution. The exceptions so far are the Muslim and nationalist Republics of Russia, especially on the Caucasus, but in the anti-Christian immoral state this is not a long-lasting phenomenon. Moreover, the Masonic worldview: "if you are sinful, do not condemn sin and crime", has been officially elevated to the rank of state policy because Jesus said it. And this Masonic attitude negates the rule of law and legal order. In addition, the satanic Christian religion of Russia extols the institution of monarchy, which is an institution of renunciation of God (Torah /Bible/. The First Book of Kings, Chapter 8, Article 7). In addition to this, Jesus, absolutely groundlessly, falsely and absurdly, declared himself the son of God and God, and replaced the Almighty in His Temple, which was supposed to be done by the Antichrist (Dajjal), the servant of Satan (Shaitan).
Why do many call Europe and Russia Gay, and what is the difference between these countries in this matter? In Europe, only morally degraded men and women can be homosexual by their own will. In Europe, where human rights are respected, people are not forcibly turned into homosexuals. In Russia, where human rights are not respected, people are forcibly turned into homosexuals, and this is done by the Talmudic state system of Russia in its penitentiary system. As a result of this practice, more than half of the male population of Russia who have been imprisoned are raped homosexuals. Therefore, in Europe a person is protected from violence, in Russia - not. I am not even talking about the homosexual inclinations of a part of the intelligentsia and the musical elite of Russia. Gay parades are banned in Russia, which is morally normal, but if they were allowed, then many more Russian Gays would take to the streets of Moscow than take to parades in Europe. I repeat, we are talking specifically about Russian Gays, whom the West cannot artificially export to Russia. It is not serious to assume that the West sent Tchaikovsky to Russia. Europe will soon abandon the unnatural and harmful propaganda of homosexuality in children's and educational institutions. In the not too distant future the same thing will happen in the USA, and later all the mentally inadequate population of our planet will return to its natural state, freed from mass mental illnesses generated by the antichrist religion. In other words, a woman will be a woman, and a man will be a man.
In September 2024, Russian President Vladimir Putin, in order to mislead the peoples of the world and divide Western countries and their Allies, officially compiled a list of countries that support homosexuality, live without traditional family relations, and established that citizens from these countries would be granted citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner. Therefore, I advise the wise Chinese people, who are in the communist or Buddhist worldview, that is, in the atheistic scientific worldview, and not in the Divine, to take advantage of this opportunity. In other words, China should include itself in the list of these states and thus solve its territorial problem. If there half a billion Chinese, supporters of the traditional family, receive simplified Russian citizenship, they will be able to populate the currently empty territory of the Russian Far East, as well as the territory of Eastern and Central Siberia.
2) Vladimir Putin is right, NATO countries should not have violated the territorial integrity of Yugoslavia, they should not have created a precedent of the emergence of new states by armed means. However, everyone knows that NATO countries did not annex the newly created states to their countries, as Russian President Vladimir Putin does in Ukraine, becoming a Nazi occupier. Moreover, if Vladimir Putin was dissatisfied with the actions of NATO countries, then he should have responded to these countries, and not achieved his Talmudic predatory goals at the expense of Ukraine. That is why it turns out that Vladimir Putin is not fighting for justice in the international arena, but he is fraudulently using the political and military mistakes of NATO countries to achieve his predatory Talmudic criminal goals.
3) Vladimir Putin is right, the US should not have withdrawn from nuclear arms control treaties, it should not have given Russia and other countries the opportunity to start a nuclear arms race, which poses a serious danger to all of humanity. But Vladimir Putin is wrong in that, seeing that the US and NATO did not start such an arms race, that they did not increase armament, he himself should not have resumed the arms race in Russia either. In addition, hoping for his nuclear potential, Vladimir Putin should not have started a war in Ukraine.
Recently, Vladimir Putin said that in 2025 he will increase the production of unmanned aerial vehicles by 10 times, which means that his mind is returning to him, and he will no longer use tactical nuclear missiles in the war in Ukraine.
4)Since the US and NATO were not ready for a third world war, including a nuclear war, which would never have happened if these countries had been ready for it and maintained the military balance of power on the planet, they should not have encouraged the war in Ukraine. At the same time, the fact is that in the event of a global nuclear war, even without NATO countries being ready for it, humanity, as well as Russia, will come to an end. Therefore, only a mentally ill person can start a nuclear war on our planet.
And also, many uneducated people in Russia think that since Vladimir Putin is the President of a multinational country (about 200 nations and nationalities), he cannot be a nationalist and a Nazi. I would advise these uneducated and wild people to get a good education in order to understand the difference between Nazism and ethnicity (Ethnicism). In the Third Reich under the fascist Nazi Adolf Hitler there were no fewer nations that rejoiced in the aggressive results of their Fuhrer, but he was precisely a Nazi fascist.
Professor David Ben Melekh (Abaev-Jirkvalidze), a real descendant of the King of Israel David.
Georgia, Gori, September 25, 2024.
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