WORLDWIDEPayPal.Me/SerbianHerbs 200 tablets – 1.
Original Bulgarian preparation of plant origin.It has been licensed in Eastern Europe as an aid to smoking cessation for the past 40 years.It is one of the most popular method to quit smoking in Eastern Europe countries.Not synthetic and not with the side effects of synthetic alternatives.It is non addictive and nicotine free.The filmtablets are packed in PVC/aluminum foil blister strips.Each blister strip contains 20 filmtablets.Five blister strips are packed in a cardboard box together with package insert.Administration and dosage:
First 3 days:1 tablet 6 times daily (every 2 hours), with a parallel reduction of the number of cigarettes smoked.If the result is unsatisfactory, the treatment is discontinued and a new therapy can be resumed after 2 - 3 months.In case of good effect, the treatment should continue according to the following schedule:
4th to 12th day:1 tablet every 2 1/2 hours (5 tablets daily)
13th to 16th day:1 tablet every 3 hours (4 tablets daily)
17th to 20th day:1 tablet every 5 hours (3 tablets daily)
21st to 25th day:1 to 2 tablets daily
The total giving up of smoking should take place not later than the fifth day after the beginning of the therapy.
After the end of the therapeutic course, in order to have good results, the patient should give evidence of strong will, not allowing the lighting of a cigarette.
Very well tolerated, and when applied in therapeutic doses, allows a gradual giving up of smoking without any side effects.It does not cause anorexia, nausea and vomiting.It does not affect the active drivers’ attention and machine operating.
It is not recommended only in high level hypertension, advanced atherosclerosis, pregnancy and breast-feeding.
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